Page 31 of The Boss: Book 3

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“Yes.” I reached for the light above our heads and clicked it on.

Another bang, this time from the front.

“No, turn that off.” He slipped out of bed and smoothly hiked up his pants. The moon was low, highlighting his shoulders and back as he stood.

“Blake, wait.”

“Stay here.”

“It’s probably just kids,” I whispered. “We used to break into empty houses to party when I was a kid.”

Light from his phone cut through the darkness. “At four in the morning?”

Well, no.


The sound of glass breaking had me following him across the room. I stubbed my toe on the chair near the door. I hopped in a circle. “Ow. Dammit.”

Where the hell was my purse? I tried to feel my way in the dark, but another crash made me gasp. “Blake?” I tried to keep my voice to a whisper, but I was pretty sure fear made it more like a squeak. “Get back here. We need to call the cops.”

“They’re vandalizing my house.”

“My house, dammit,” I whispered mostly to myself.

I followed him out to the hallway and the foyer. Flashlights bounced around the room.

“I’m running out of glass,” came a voice in the dark.

I frowned. What the hell did that mean?

“Try the one on the left.” The beam of light went to the corner of the room where my stained glass window was over the trifold door.

Blake opened and slammed the closet door in the front of the house. All the flashlights went out. Footfalls headed toward the back door, but it was locked and a long metal rod had been inserted into the track for just this reason.

So no one could get in. Or out, if they panicked and didn’t pay attention.

There was a crash of glass, and two raised voices sounded in the night.

“Call the police.”

I jumped at Blake’s sudden presence beside me. He pressed the phone into my hand. With shaking fingers, I flipped over his cell. Thank God he’d unlocked it for me.

“No. Don’t go in there. Stay here,” I said to Blake as he moved away, blending seamlessly into the darkness. Impatiently, I raised the cell to my cheek as the 911 operator voice came through the speaker.

The gunshot startled me so bad that I dropped the phone.

Then it was pure chaos. Voices shouting, Blake’s voice was one of them.

“Stop. Just leave. We won’t press charges, just go.”

“I can’t go without it.” The male voice in the dark was frightened.

“Can’t go without what?” Blake asked.

“Come on, man! We gotta split.”

“We can’t fail,” said the first voice.

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