Page 7 of The Boss: Book 3

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One of the many reasons I couldn’t go. There was no way I could deal with all of that, nor the people giving me sad eyes about the loss of my grandmother. Nope. No way.

“So, Jennifer Corbin is off the list next year. I can’t believe that harlot had the balls to have sex with Theo Baldwin. He just got married last year, for heaven’s sake.”

“Wouldn’t that be Theo’s fault, Phil?”

“Have you seen the breasts on Jennifer?”

I laughed. “Breasts do not lure married men into temptation.”

“Mine have.”

I flopped back onto my bed with a chuckle. “You are terrible.”

“That’s how I got my Robert.”

“You haven’t let Robert out of your sight in twenty years. And he wasn’t married when you nabbed him.”

“Damn right. My girls might not be quite as perky, but they still do the job. He doesn’t need to be lured away by someone like Jennifer. I know how to handle my man.”

I was used to this game and I played along. “Robert loves you madly.”

“He does, doesn’t he?” Her girlish voice trailed off into a giggle.

Robert Stanwick had more money than he knew what to do with, so he let Phil have her gallery and a central place for all her gossip. I’d worked there for longer than I could remember. I’d learned a lot about how the art world worked, and how to promote myself.

I’d forever be indebted to Phil for that.

“Not that I don’t love to catch up. And honestly, you need to come over for a proper tea so we can discuss everything.”

“Yes, I promise I will.”

“But I have a huge favor to ask.”

“I kinda figured when you got excited that I wasn’t working.”

“Yes, well, that is fortuitous.”

I played with my terrycloth belt. “Well, I’m open to distraction. What do you need?”

“I have a showing tonight and could really use your talents.”

I rolled my eyes. “To organize you?”

“No, everything is set up. The new girl I had to hire after you…well, left.”

“I left long before…well, before.”

“I know, sweetie. And we all miss Annabelle. And I applaud your need to go out on your own.”

I swallowed a lump at her name. “I know you do.” Even though I was drowning on my own, and missed my grandmother so much that my heart literally ached with it.

“I could really use your help at the gallery tonight. The RSVP notices have tripled this year.”

“Oh, wow. That’s wonderful.”

“Definitely for sales, but I could really use all hands on deck. And your commission would be very generous.”

That certainly perked me up. I could really use the money. “Absolutely. You can count on me.”

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