Page 23 of A Kiss To Remember

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For a few moments he caressed her again, this time with knowing fingers, till she was arching away from the seat again in desperate need. Only the seat belt kept her from threshing wildly against that torturous touch, so that when he stopped, to lift her ankles up on to the outside edges of the seat and ease her bottom forward, she was beyond thinking of anything but having him inside her.

Yet the moment he began pressing against her virginal flesh, she tensed terribly. His sharp intake of breath brought more panic, his second attempt to penetrate making her muscles spasm even more tightly shut.

‘God, Angie,’ he ground out, probing harder. ‘Relax, will you?’

‘I... I can’t,’ she choked out. ‘Oh, God ... I just can’t. I don’t know how.’

‘What do you mean, you don’t know how?’ he rasped, all pressure easing as he totally withdrew. ‘Hell... are you saying what I think you’re saying?’

Angie wanted to die of humiliation and frustration. She hated herself and her inexperience at that moment. Hated everything and everyone. She groaned with the deepest chagrin, lifting her hands to cover her face.

Lance swore again. Then again.

Angie cringed inside at the sounds she heard. Clearly he’d decided not to continue. Clearly uptight virgins were not Lance’s style.

‘Dear God in heaven, Angie,’ he finally rasped, unsnapping her seat belt, grabbing her hands and yanking her upright. The soles of her feet shot off the seat down on to the floor, her bare legs practically wrapping around Lance, who was still squatting in the space between the seat and the dashboard. Thankfully her skirt fell down over her lap as Lance snapped her further forward, their faces only inches apart.

‘Why didn’t you tell me earlier that you were still a virgin?’ he interrogated harshly. ‘Why did you let me believe you were some kind of good-time girl who’d have sex with anyone she fancied at any place, any old time?’

Angie shuddered under Lance’s fury. She’d never seen him like this before.

‘Hell, do you think I’d have treated you like this if I’d known?’ he flung at her as a finale.

‘T-Treated me like wh—what?’ she stammered, confused by this last outburst.

He stared at her, then shook his head. ‘I’m not sure if you’re a total innocent, or more calculatingly wicked than any woman I’ve ever known. Which is it? Are you a professional tease? Do you get your kicks out of dressing up like this and seeing how many men you can have panting after you? Did you perhaps get out of your depth tonight,’ he scorned, ‘with a man who doesn’t tolerate teases— a man you once really fancied?’

‘No!’ she denied fiercely. ‘And yet, yes... in a way...’

‘Which is it? Yes or no?’

‘No, I’m not a tease,’ she denied hotly. ‘But, yes, I did dress up seductively tonight, and, yes, you’re right—I do fancy you. I always did.’

‘No kidding! Well, the dressing up seductively part wasn’t for me, though, was it? You had no idea I’d even be here. So what was on your agenda tonight which called for this vamp image?’

Angie grimaced, then shook her head.

‘Either you tell me, or I’ll ask Bud,’ he threatened.

‘Bud doesn’t know.’

‘Doesn’t know what? That, you’re still a virgin? Or that you’re some kind of sick man-hater?’

‘I am not a man-hater!’

‘Then tell me the truth!’

‘I... I decided today that I was f-fed up with being inexperienced,’ she confessed, blushing and stammering. ‘I... I thought it was well past time that I lost my virginity. I knew there’d be a lot of potential partners here at Bud’s party tonight so I dolled myself up and... Well, I just... I just...’

She shrugged, hoping she’d said enough to satisfy his curiosity.

‘You just what?’

His persistence began to annoy her. What was it to him anyway? He didn’t really care about her. He’d simply shown up out of the blue tonight at a highly opportune moment then tried to take ruthless advantage of it, even if he, didn’t know it.

‘Oh, do shut up, Lance. I’m sure even Blind Freddie could get the picture. You turned up just when I was ripe and ready to take a lover, and for a short while tonight I thought it might as well be you, since you had been my first love, after all. By the time I decided not to boost your insufferable ego any further, you’d rather spoiled me for any other man here this evening. You have a habit of doing that in my life, Lance,’ she bit out. ‘Spoiling me for other men. One of the reasons I’m still a stupid damned virgin is because of you!’
