Page 39 of A Kiss To Remember

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‘Don’t leave me,’ she cried.

He returned to kiss her trembling mouth and laid her back against the pillows. ‘My sweet Angie,’ he murmured. ‘I’m not leaving you. I’m just going to undress.’

‘Oh... oh, all right, then. But don’t be long.’

‘I’m not going anywhere. While you’re waiting,’ he added, smiling wryly, ‘select one of these!’ And he drew several small foil packets from his trouser pocket and dropped them nonchalantly on to her naked stomach. ‘I couldn’t make up my mind which kind might take your fancy so I brought one of each.’

His naturalness totally defused any embarrassment in Angie. She picked up each one in turn, the last one making her eyes snap up to his. ‘Passion-fruit flavoured?’

He grinned wickedly while he unzipped his trousers. ‘It seemed an appropriate flavour. Besides, I seem to recall you were very partial to passion-fruit.’

Now Angie did colour with embarrassment. And perhaps something else. She knew she wouldn’t need any incentive to do whatever would please him. She couldn’t wait to explore his body as he’d explored hers, to kiss and possess every inch of him, to make him shudder with desire for her.

At last he was naked, and he was as magnificent as she’d known he would be, and wonderfully uninhibited about being nude before her, despite his intense arousal. He returned to sit beside her, dispensing with all the condoms but one, then doing what he had to do with a stunningly swift expertise which left Angie floundering. Before she could feel any real dismay, however, he bent to kiss her mouth again, caressing her body at the same time till she was trembling with desire for him.

‘Now, close your eyes, my darling,’ he whispered into her softened lips. ‘Lie back and think of nothing but you and me, together in each other’s arms, loving each other. We’ve both waited for this for a long time, and you deserve the very best...’

His words had the most powerful effect on her. Her love for him rose to fill her heart to overflowing. She reached for him, pulling him down, on to and into her body. Her cry was a cry of pure joy, despite the flash of pain. When he hesitated, she clung to him, pulling him deeper and deeper, till they indeed were one.

For a long moment they stayed that way, their mouths searching for each other to complete their union  , their hearts beating to the same beat. He speared her fingers with his and lifted her hands high above her, stretching their upper bodies full-length till he covered every inch of her chest and arms with his. Again, he stayed that way for several moments, and she gloried in his weight upon her, a feeling of warm surrender washing through her.

When he began to move within her, her legs lifted automatically, to wrap high around him so that he might sink even more deeply into her, and quite instinctively she began to move with him. Their rhythm became a drum-beat, first in her head, then all through her body. She became the drum, stretched tighter and tighter, and Lance the drummer.

Soon the beat grew louder and faster. Angie became hotter and hotter, beads of perspiration breaking out all over her body. She feared everything inside her might burst if Lance didn’t slow down, or stop. Then something did explode, deep within her, and suddenly everything was very, very right.

She cried out, and clung to him all the harder as spasms of the most exquisite delight racked her in-sides. They went on and on, squeezing and releasing Lance, till he too cried out. Angie felt the great shudders of his climax, and tears sprang to her eyes. Perhaps they were tears of release and relief, but she liked to think that they were tears of love. For she did so love this man who had just made the most beautiful love to her. Loved him so much that to contemplate life without him was unendurable.

Now the tears flowed fresh, and Lance was kissing them from her face, cradling her to him and stroking her back.

‘Don’t cry, my darling,’ he told her. ‘You were wonderful. You are wonderful. God, I wish I didn’t have to go back to Melbourne tomorrow. I wish I could stay here and make love to you forever.’


ANGIE froze momentarily in his arms before sighing her resignation to his words. Lance’s voicing the transitory nature of their affair should not have shocked or distressed her, since she’d known the reality all along. But it was hard to reconcile reality with what they had just shared. To Angie it had been an out-of-this-world experience—so damned wonderful, in fact, that she’d begun to harbour stupid hopes again, romantic fool that she was!
