Page 44 of Looking Inside

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Damn it all to hell, show them to me now, Eleanor.

She experienced his rising tension as if it were her own, sensed his arousal coiling tight. He was straining at the bit, and she loved it.

She also loved the feeling of the feathers tickling her belly, her hard, sensitive nipples and her tingling labia. In the window’s reflection, her flushed face looked extremely well pleased. She was having fun teasing him, but her seduction was far from one-sided. Unable to take it anymore, she slid the fan beneath her breasts, exposing them to him. She began to gyrate to the music, manipulating the fans across her body, still obscuring her sex from him, but letting him catch glimpses of her bare breasts and grinding hips and naked, swiveling belly. She watched him the whole time, enthralled by his rigid features and his hand moving faster and more strenuously at his crotch. His stare on her might as well have been lightning, the way it electrified her flesh.

She closed her eyes, growing increasingly blatant and drunk with her power. The dance took control.

She spun and teased him with her backside again, this time giving him glimpses of her bare ass as she gyrated to the music. Her heart pounded out an excited warning in her ears, and her sex ached unbearably.

She finally bent over and removed the fan entirely from her ass, sliding the feathers up and down the backs of her thighs in a wicked counter rhythm. All the while, she gyrated and popped her butt in a brazen invitation to trouble. She lost herself to a pulsing trance.

Suddenly hands were on her wrists, halting her movements. She gasped in shock, her head jerking back and her hair swinging onto her back.

“Trey,” she cried out when she saw him towering over her bent form. How much time had gone by? The reality of him standing there hit her like a slap to the face. His blue eyes gleamed with arousal. His face looked rigid. “I . . . I didn’t hear you come in.” She tried to stand up, but he pressed her wrists to the small of her back, keeping her in place in her bent-over position.

“That’s because you were having too much fun, isn’t it?” he asked between tight lips, his even tone of voice not matching the tension in his body and feral stare down at her. “No. You were caught up in your little game. You were loving having me at your mercy.” Holding her wrists in place with one hand, he took one of the fans from her. Suddenly, she felt the silky feathers gliding between her thighs and brushing her damp sex. Her clit throbbed in arousal. She moaned and trembled as he manipulated the fan over her pussy, his actions much bolder than hers had been during the dance. She bit her lip. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person enjoying torturing another human being so much. Now it’s payback time, Eleanor.”

He withdrew the fan from between her thighs, and then grabbed the other one she held. She heard the fan handles thump on the carpet when he dropped them. He reached into a back pocket. She blew her long hair out of her face, desperate to see what he was doing. Her eyes widened when she saw he’d removed black padded handcuffs from his pocket.

“I’m going to bind your hands behind your back and spank you. You know what’s going to happen after that.”

Her gaze zoomed to his crotch. From this angle, his arousal was blatant and daunting.

His brows furrowed. He stepped toward her and pushed back her hair from her face. “Don’t look like that, Eleanor,” he said, and she was surprised to hear how gentle he sounded. She tilted her head, fully meeting his stare. Her breath caught in her throat. The things he was saying and doing made her both thrilled and anxious at once. But when she looked into his blazing eyes, she was reassured. “I’m not going to cause you any serious harm. I’ll just make your ass burn. I’ll make all of you burn, just like you’ve been doing to me,” he said, his mouth going hard. “Do you not want to do this?”

“I want to,” she managed shakily. “It’s just . . . I’ve never done it before.”

He nodded in understanding. “Then I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to put the handcuffs on you and then I’m going to touch you any way that I please. I’m going to spank your ass, because you’ve earned it, but I’m going to make you feel good too. I told you that you’d have to accept the consequences, didn’t I?”

She felt heat rush into her cheeks at the memory of her dance, of how shameless she’d been, how she’d lost herself to the intoxication of it. Her sex tingled and her nipples pinched in anxious anticipation.


“Yes,” she whispered.

He stepped toward her. She stared at the carpet blindly from her bent-over position as he restrained her wrists at the small of her back. Once she was bound, she found it difficult to exhale normally, she was so tight with nervous anticipation. Would it hurt? She hated even getting a shot at the doctor’s office. She shuddered. Then he stepped closer, pressing his crotch against her hip. Air ripped out of her lungs at the feeling of his heavy erection.

“Shhh, baby,” he soothed, and then his hands were on her, one sliding up her spine, the other caressing her waist. “You have quite the imagination, don’t you?” Through the buzz in her brain, she wondered how he’d guessed her anxious thoughts. “It’s not going to be scary,” she heard him say, and she took a shaky breath at the warmth in his deep voice. “Look,” he said, and one large hand cupped one of her ass cheeks. He let go and popped her ass matter-of-factly with his palm. She started and squeaked.

“That wasn’t that bad, was it?”

“Uh . . .” It took her a few seconds to decide what it was, her mind and body were so revved up. Her ass prickled where he’d spanked her. But now his warm hand was there, circling over the tingling flesh, and that was delicious. “No,” she breathed out. “Not bad.”

He placed one hand on her far hip and pushed his cock against her, his other hand caressing her bottom the whole time. He groaned. “God, you feel good. Do you have any idea what you were doing to me in that window, Eleanor?”

“I was trying to turn you on,” she said, exasperated.

He smacked her ass again, one cheek and then the other in quick succession.

“You succeeded,” he said tersely. “In spades. Here.” He paused, and she felt his hand move down the crack of her ass. He tapped gently on her inner thigh. “Spread your thighs some. Bend your knees a little. That’s right.” He placed a hand on her left shoulder. “Stay in this position while I spank you. It’ll help steady you. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she said shakily.

“I’m going to give you fifteen strokes,” he said, rubbing her ass. “You deserve more.”

“I . . . I do?”
