Page 21 of Game On (Game On 1)

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I didn’t think it was possible to care so much for someone so soon but when he leaned down to kiss me, he proved me wrong.

See what you missed out on while you were running around with bad boys?

Miguel was everything I’d never had.

“I’ll miss you too,” I told him. “As soon as McCoy has the all clear, I’ll be on the next flight home.”

He kissed me once more before heading into his room to get his things. With a sickeningly happy spring in my step, I wandered back to my own room to pick up my laptop. I’d decided that, as there was nothing else for me to do, I’d sit in the bar and take advantage of the free wi-fi.

Oh, and enjoy a glass of wine or two.

Before I allowed myself to enjoy my afternoon of freedom, I needed to stop by and check on Radleigh, just to be sure he was still in the land of the living. That way, I’d be satisfied I’d done my bit for the day before taking a well-earned break.

When I reached his room, I knocked gently and waited while he came to the door.

He still looked awful, the worst I’d ever seen him. He’d thrown some jeans on, but his hair was a mess and his shirt was crumpled. The blackness under his eyes was highlighted by his ashen face.

“I didn’t wake you, did I?” I asked.

“No. Couldn’t sleep. I tried though.”

“Well that’s something, I guess. I just wanted to check how you are before I go and chill out in the bar.”

“I’m okay. I’m bored, tired and my head still hurts, but I’m okay.”

“Can I get you anything?”

“I could use some company.”

He rubbed his eyes, then opened the door a bit wider and shuffled back to bed.

Not exactly what I’d had in mind. In fact, it was the last thing I’d expected him to say, especially after the way he’d greeted me earlier. Perhaps my concern had eased his irritation a little.

“I don’t know,” I said. “You’re supposed to be resting.”

“I can still rest if you’re here. Please, Leah?”

Idly wondering if that was the first time he had ever said please in his life, I stepped into his room and closed the door.

“Just for a while,” I told him. “I have plans to laze around.”

“There’s a spare bed and a television in here. Make yourself at home.”

Excellent, just point me towards the mini bar.

After six games of - sober - Minesweeper, Radleigh hadn’t said another word.

“Do you want me to go?” I asked. “You’re very quiet.”

“I’m supposed to be resting,” he quoted, turning his head towards me.

“I know. But you said you wanted company.”

“I do.”

Narrowing my eyes at his deliberate attempts to be awkward, I turned my attention back to my laptop to sort through my emails. Amongst the usual bunch of spam, my spirits lifted when I noticed an email from my brother drop into my inbox. I hadn’t heard from him in a few weeks because he and his family had recently moved. I couldn’t wait to hear all the news from home.

Hi Leah, I promise to send you a more detailed email soon but things have been manic. For now, I want to send you some pictures of the kids because Mum said you were desperate to see them! We miss you so much and Jamie has sent something special for you!
