Page 55 of Game On (Game On 1)

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“You can’t go in there now,” he laughed as a shrill squeal and giggle came from Stacey’s room.

He was right. He’d have to stay the night.

“I’ll get you some pillows and a blanket,” I sighed, heading to the cupboard in the hallway without looking at him.

I returned a few minutes later with a spare duvet and a couple of pillows, as McCoy was piling up his clothes on the armchair. He'd already stripped off his shoes, coat and shirt. I didn't want to hang around to see him take off his trousers.

“Goodnight,” I said, setting the bedding down on the sofa.

I was finding it hard to meet his eye as he stood there shirtless. I’d seen him with his top off a million times when the players swapped shirts at the end of a match, but this wasn’t the same. We weren’t on the pitch. We were alone in Stacey’s apartment, and he looked … different.

“Goodnight, Leah.”

Blocking thoughts of Radleigh from my mind, I went to my room, changed my clothes and climbed into bed, hoping the tiredness that was washing over me would send me to sleep within minutes.

At two a.m, I was still staring at the ceiling.

I was beginning to feel more than a little dehydrated. I also knew I wouldn't sleep at all if I didn't have something to drink, so I dragged myself from the warmth of my bed and quietly crept towards the kitchen.

I needn't have bothered trying to be silent. As I approached the lounge, I heard the sound of the television and when I entered the room, I saw McCoy was sitting on the floor, leaning back against the sofa wrapped in his duvet. Wide awake.

If I’d known he’d be up, I’d have put my bathrobe on. As it was, I was wearing an old grey t-shirt that only just covered my arse, but there was no point in worrying about it. I wasn’t planning on being near him any longer than I had to.

“Leah,” Radleigh said. “Sorry, did the TV wake you?”

He looked genuinely worried, and I shook my head.

“I came to get a drink,” I told him. “Carry on.”

In the kitchen, I opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of cold water, thankful that Stacey still kept a good supply. I downed most of it in one go. Once I’d re-hydrated myself, I peered out from around the fridge door. “Radleigh, do you want anything?”

“I'm actually kinda hungry,” he answered, looking up at me. “Do you cook?”

“Not at two in the morning.”

“Worth a try.”

“I have ingredients for making a sandwich though. Or there are some cookies. Everything else requires cooking.”

“I'll take the cookies.”

Closing the fridge door, I reached up to the cupboard and rummaged around for the biscuits which I knew would be buried at the back. Stacey always hid them there so Billy wouldn’t find them and eat them all. I figured I could replace them in the morning.

“Here you go,” I said, tossing him the packet which he caught expertly.

“Thank you,” he said, ripping into the packaging.

“You could have helped yourself. I'm not cruel enough to let you starve.”

“I'll remember that next time.”

“Next time Stacey will know not to let you in.”

“Oh don't try and tell me you didn't have fun tonight.”

I opened my mouth to retaliate, but changed my mind. I picked up my bottle of water and started to head towards the door.

