Page 102 of Emma's Wish

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The sheriff knocked at the door.

"Who is it?"

Emma recognized Winston Howard's voice.

"Sheriff Colby. I'd like to speak to you a minute."

The sound of muffled voices filtered through the walls.

"It's late, sheriff, and my wife is ... indisposed. Can't it wait until morning?"

The sheriff raised his voice a little louder. "Sorry, folks, but it can't. It'll only take a few minutes."

Still, the door remained closed.

"I won't tell you again," the sheriff ordered. "Now open up."

The door opened. "Do you have any idea what time it is--?"

"I sure do," the sheriff replied. "And I'm real sorry to bother you this late--"

"What do you want?" Winston huffed. "State your business, then leave."

Emma couldn't hear the children. Panic seized her. If they had harmed even one hair on any of them--

"Those children yours?" she heard the sheriff ask as he pushed past Winston to enter the room.

"They're our grandchildren," Winston announced. "Is there a problem?"

"You don't mind staying in town while I verify that in the morning, do you?"

Emma tapped her foot impatiently on the scarred wooden floor. She couldn't stand not being able to see the children, to know they hadn't been harmed. All she could do was wait until the sheriff gave them permission to go into the room.

Sam gave her an encouraging smile and squeezed her hand. "Won't be long," he mouthed.

She nodded. But every second seemed like an eternity--

"Sheriff, we'd be happy to oblige, but we must leave at dawn. We do have a train to catch--"

"Really? Where you folks headed?"

"Fort Worth," Winston replied. "We're catching a train there."

"I don't think you're going to make it," the sheriff said, then waved Sam, Emma and Fred forward into the room. "These folks here seem to think those children over there belong to them."

Winston's face paled as he met Emma's gaze, but she didn't miss the outright hatred in his eyes.

Emma's gaze searched the room, finally coming to rest on Florence standing in the corner, one hand resting on Joseph's shoulder and the other on Becky's, using them almost as a protective shield.

"Mama," Becky cried out, wrenching herself out of Florence's grip. She raced across the room and threw herself into Emma's arms. The incredible feel of her tiny arms squeezing Emma's neck was something she'd never forget.

Moments later, Joseph followed Becky's lead, tucking himself beneath Sam's arm. "You okay," Sam asked.

Joseph nodded. "But what took you so long?"

Emma's heart almost exploded with love for these children. But where was Nathan?

"Sam. Nathan--"
