Page 22 of Emma's Wish

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"How can she take care of you ruffians if she doesn't live there?"

"I thought maybe we'd be movin' into town."

Silence descended on the table. There was a possibility.


"Don't even think about it, Emma," Sam said. "We have a parcel of land a few miles outside of town. It's small, and it's not fancy, but it's my home. If that's not good enough for you--"

"No," Emma cried. Without a thought, she reached over and rested her hand on his, then quickly drew it away as its warmth spread up her arm and right through her. She lifted her gaze to meet his.

He'd felt it, too. She was sure of it.

"I didn't mean that, Sam. I only thought if you'd prefer to live in town, my house is large enough ..." Her voice trailed off, and she looked away, concentrating on the food on her plate.

"Sam's a bit bull-headed when it comes to that place of his," Fred said with a laugh. "But it's a good piece of land, and if it's worked right, it'll make you a profit one of these days."

"If I don't lose it to the bank first," Sam muttered. "The mortgage is due in the fall. If I don't make the payment, they'll foreclose.”

Emma gave him a confident smile. "You ... we ... will make the payment."

"You young'uns about finished?" Fred asked, eyeing the children, then turned to Sam. "I expect you two got some plans to make."

Sam nodded. "I suppose we do."

Fred stood up and shoved his hat on his head.

"Where you goin', Mr. Holloway?" Nathan asked.

"Thought I'd head over to the general store. I just happened to notice a jar of jawbreakers when I passed by a little bit ago." He winked at Emma, then turned to the children. "You feel like keeping me company?"

Within seconds, the boys had gulped down their drinks and were running out the door of the hotel. Behind them, Fred took Becky by the hand and helped her down from the chair.

"No jawbreakers for her, Fred. She's too small to chew them."

"You two relax and enjoy yourselves. Me and the young'uns'll be fine."

With a wink in Emma's direction, Fred left.

Emma's fingers trembled as she picked up a lump of sugar and added it to her coffee. Keeping her gaze focused on the china cup, she stirred the dark liquid, then put the spoon back on the saucer.

Why didn’t he say something? The silence was unbearable.

Finally, unable to stand it any longer, she lifted her gaze to find him staring at her, but she couldn't read the expression in his dark eyes.

"The coffee is very good," she murmured, unable to think of a single thing to say to dispel the tension.

"Emma ..." he began.

Oh, Heavens. He's changed his mind. "Yes?"

"I want to make sure you understand ... this won't be a real marriage ..."

Emma nodded. "I know that."

"I mean ... I won't expect you to ..."

What was he getting at? "Expect me to what?"
