Page 31 of Emma's Wish

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Sam took Emma's hand. "Do you want something to eat?" he asked, eyeing the tables straining under the weight of so much food.

Strangely enough, Emma's stomach had settled considerably, and she recognized the empty feeling as hunger. And if she was hungry ...

"Where are the children, Sam? They must be famished."

"Lou will take care of them," Sam replied. "In fact, Fred and Lou offered to keep them for the night."

Emma's hand flew to her throat. Oh ... that could only mean ... Her face flamed. Amanda was right. Now that Sam had the legal right, he'd changed his mind ...

"I told them that wasn't necessary."

Her racing heart slowed. "Oh ... of course ..."

"I mean, even though we're married now, it isn't as if we love each other or anything."


His dark eyes caught hers and seemed to read her thoughts.. "I keep my promises, Emma. At least until I know I can break them and get away with it," he added, the teasing glint in his eye assuring her he was trying to lighten the sudden tension between them.

The voices around them faded away, and Emma was lost in Sam's gaze. This was what she wanted, wasn't it?

Her gaze lowered, and rested on his hands. Strong hands. Calloused hands. Fine pale hairs on the backs of his fingers. What would those hands feel like against her skin?

"Come on. Let's get something to eat before the food is all gone." Sam's voice interrupted her musings, and she allowed him to guide her through the crowd to the table.

Emma filled plates for both Sam and herself. Sam took his, then was separated from her by three of the guests. Emma watched as one spoke, then they all burst into loud laughter.

Patsy McConnell came up to stand beside her. "How did you manage to catch him?" she asked.

Emma dipped the ladle into the punch bowl and filled a glass with the ice-cold lemonade.

"He's very nice," Patsy went on. "But I would never want to be saddled with another woman's children."

Patsy's vicious tongue was well known in Charity, so Emma ignored the snide comment. She refused to let anyone spoil this day.

"This was all so sudden," Lily Gardener said from behind her in a high-pitched shrill voice. "Why, no one even knew the two of you were betrothed."

"We decided there was no reason to wait."

The woman eyed Emma curiously. "My, that dress is very becoming," she said, her gaze settling on Emma's middle. "A little snug, though, isn't it?"

Emma flushed. She knew exactly what the woman was getting at. She was assuming the wedding had been rushed for one reason - that Emma had gotten herself with child and Sam had had to marry her.

Before she had a chance to voice the retort on the tip of her tongue, the children appeared beside her.

"Are you all right?" she asked, noticing the serious expression on Joseph's face.

Joseph nodded. "I s'pose so."

The tone of his voice belied his assurance, and Emma wasn't sure how to proceed. Something was bothering the children, but unless they told her what it was, she couldn't help them.

"Did you have enough to eat?" she asked, trying to draw them out.

The children nodded in unison.

"Me eat meat ... and pickles ... and pie." Becky said. "Me eat two pieces." She emphasized how many by holding up four fingers. Joseph shook his head, then tucked two of her fingers back into her fist. "That's two, Becky."

"I eat two." Becky held up the fist for Emma's perusal.
