Page 75 of Emma's Wish

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"No," Emma explained, taking the doll and tucked the stuffing back inside. "You shouldn't have left it lying around where the dog could get it."

"Me didn't."

Emma gave her a stern look. "Are you sure? Where did you leave it?"

Becky pointed to the rocking chair on the porch. "I leaved it up there."

"Puppies chew things, Becky. You must be very careful not to leave your toys around."

"But it's broke now," Becky went on, her voice rising to a squeal. "Doggie broke it."

Sam appeared from behind the barn, Nathan and Joseph following behind. He raced across the yard, his breath coming in short gasps. "What's the matter?"

Emma held up the doll. "Apollo chewed Becky's doll."

"Is that all? Hell, I heard her screaming from the back pasture. It sounded like she was being murdered."

Turning to Becky, he shook his head. "It's only a doll, Becky. Your ma can fix it." Then he looked up at Emma. "You can, can't you?"

Emma nodded.

"But it's broke," Becky insisted.

Joseph took the doll from Emma and held it out to Becky, his fingers holding the torn fabric together. "It's just the outside that's torn."

"But she'll be different now."

Sam looked at Emma, his gaze steady and direct. "She might not look exactly like she did before, but that doesn't mean you can't love her just the same."

"Yes, it does."

"If Joseph or Nathan got torn, you’d still love them, wouldn’t you?"

Becky's nose scrunched, and she frowned as she puzzled over the question. Then she grinned, her dimples deepening. "Me love Joseph. Me love Nathan."

"It doesn't matter what the outside looks like, it's what's inside that counts," Sam said softly, his gaze still on Emma.

Emma felt her face flush. Warmth spread through her. The children might believe he was talking about Becky's doll, but Emma knew the truth. His words were intended for her, and she was well aware he was voicing his feelings for her.

Her heart began to flutter. As their eyes met, she felt her love for him swell inside until she could barely breathe. Her stomach knotted, and her fingers began to tremble.

"Let me fix her for you." Emma's voice quaked when she spoke, and she cleared her throat. "I have a needle and thread handy right now. She'll be as good as new."

Joseph gave Emma the doll, and she turned and went into the house. Sam's voice followed her. "Don't worry, honey," he was saying to Becky, "Your ma will fix her just fine. She'll have a little mark but you'll love her just like you did before."

Emma felt her lips curve in a soft smile. She suspected his words were directed at her, and deep inside she wanted to believe he was sincere. If only she could trust him, she could give herself to him and she could have the life she'd always wanted.

Maybe it was worth taking the chance.


For the next two days, the problem weighed on Emma's mind. Sam had made it clear how he felt, and it was up to her whether to give him the chance to prove it.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts she didn't notice the buggy coming down the road until she heard Joseph's voice call from the yard. "Ma! Those people are back."

Emma picked up a dry towel and wiped the soapy water from her hands. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, she crossed the parlor to the front door and opened it. Nathan and Joseph were on the porch, and Becky was curled up in the rocking chair, her doll clutched tightly in her arms. Their eyes followed Emma as she came down the steps to stand beside them. As she reached the bottom step, a buggy drew to a stop.

The Howards. Not again.
