Page 84 of Emma's Wish

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Emma couldn't answer. Put in those words, the attorney made it sound as if her motives were less than honorable, as if she had something to gain something by marrying Sam.

Her marriage had given her more than he could possibly know, but certainly nothing like what he was suggesting. He seemed to suspect she had an ulterior motive, although she couldn't even begin to surmise exactly what he was accusing her of. Before she had a chance to counter his implications, his voice grew louder, and he continued to attack her.

"And," he went on," you expect this court to believe you're a happy little family."

Emma felt tears building, and she struggled to compose herself. "Yes," she whispered. "We are."

"You've testified you and Mr. Jenkins are happily married."

"That's right." Her gaze slid to Sam. She could almost feel him urging her on.

"Then let's talk about your marriage to Mr. Jenkins," he said, crossing closer to her. "You say you married him to "help" him."

Emma nodded.

"In what way did you agree to "help"?

"I agreed to look after the house and care for the children."

"What else?"

Emma paused. What was he getting at?

"Mrs. Jenkins? I asked you a question?" the lawyer prodded.

"What other services did you agree to provide to Mr. Jenkins?"

"Nothing else," she admitted finally.

The attorney smirked. "I see. So your only purpose in this marriage was to be a housekeeper and nursemaid."

"I don't think of it that way--"

"What about being a wife, Mrs. Jenkins? Did you not agree to be a wife to your husband?"

Emma's face burned with humiliation.

"Well?" he prodded. "Do you and Mr. Jenkins have a real marriage?"

Jonas shouted. "I object. What goes on between my clients behind closed doors is nobody's business."

"Sustained," the judge said. "Be careful, Mr. Ambrose. This line of questioning is bordering on harassment."

"My apologies, Your Honor." Turning back to Emma, he gave her a cold smile. "Mrs. Jenkins, I suspect your reasons for marrying Sam Jenkins had absolutely nothing to do with caring for these children."


He turned his attention to the judge. "No further questions, Your Honor," he said, then turned his back on her and walked away.


"What kind of bastard--?"

Sam felt Jonas's hand on his arm, restraining him. He wanted nothing more than to knock the smug expression right off Ambrose's face. "Quiet, Sam. I mean it. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your temper. That's what he's trying to do. He's trying to rile you so that when he gets his chance to question you, you'll already be hostile. He's counting on that to show the judge you can't control yourself. Now calm down."

Sam supposed Jonas's reasoning made sense, but sitting here watching helplessly while the Howards' lawyer had humiliated Emma turned his stomach into knots.

Emma's face was ashen and eyes full of tears as she trudged back to her seat. As she sat down, Sam squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry, Sam," she whispered.
