Page 86 of Emma's Wish

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"You married her strictly for the purpose of being able to keep your children with you."

Sam didn't like to admit that, especially with the way things stood between them, but that's what had happened. "That's right."

Jonas scratched his beard. "How's it going?"

"Better than I expected."

"You and Emma get along, do you?"

"We get along just fine."

"And the children?"

"They're happy." Even with the hell the Howards were putting him through, he didn't want

to hurt them, but he had make sure the judge was aware of the way Emma cared for his children. "Emma is the best mother those children could have."

Sam could almost physically feel the hatred radiating from the Howards, and as he cast a glance in their direction, Mrs. Howard wiped a tear from her eye, and he caught Winston consoling her by patting her arm.

Jonas took a step back. "Sounds to me like there's a little more here than a marriage based on convenience. In fact, it seems to me you have some feelings for your wife."

Sam paused, then gazed directly into Emma's eyes. "Yes, sir, I surely do."


"How touching," Mr. Ambrose said a few minutes later as he began his cross-examination of Sam. "Two lovebirds and their cosy little family."

It wasn't a question, only a comment made to sound as if their relationship was somehow ... dirty. Sam bristled, jamming his hands in his pockets to hide his clenched fists. Over and over, he clenched and released his hands, focusing on the movement to stop him from bounding out of the witness stand and pummelling the Howards' smug-faced attorney.

"Let's get to the truth of the matter, shall we? Let's state the facts for the judge." He paused, sliding a glance to the judge to make sure he was paying attention. "Isn't it true you sent a telegram to Mr. and Mrs. Howard asking them to care for your children?"

Damn! He should have known the Howards would have mentioned that. "It was only a temporary--"

"Just answer the question. Yes or no. You asked them to raise your children."

"Well ... yes ... but--"

"They agreed?"

Sam nodded. "That's right."

"And if it hadn't been for a coincidental meeting with your wife at the train station, those children would be living in Boston right now, wouldn't they?"

"Well ... I suppose so--"

"Let's continue. Isn't it true you have a large mortgage at the bank?"


"When is the next payment due?"

"In September."

"Are you going to be able to make the payment at that time?"

Jonas's voice boomed through the courtroom. "I object, Your Honor. This has no relevance--"

"Oh, but it does," Ambrose contradicted. "The defendant's financial stability is critical."
