Page 90 of Emma's Wish

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"Do you think I did it right?"

"Yep. I looked, and you had 'em closed tight enough, I think."

"So you're sure my wish will come true?"

Nathan climbed back into the rocking chair and threw himself against the back of the chair. The chair rocked wildly, but then settled into a rhythm. "Yep. It'll come true. You just gotta wait."

There was the problem. Waiting wasn't an option.


Fat raindrops began to fall, dotting the sun-parched ground as Sam drew the wagon to a stop in front of the courthouse. On the grass, four young boys were huddled together, their attention on something on the ground, unaware of the storm approaching.

It had been only three days since they'd left the courthouse, the Howards' lawyer's accusations ringing in his ears. In some ways, it seemed like years ago, but at the same time, as if only a few hours had passed.

Sam held out his hand to help Emma down. Her face was pale, and dark shadows ringed her eyes. She'd never mentioned what had happened, but he knew what she'd been thinking.

He wished she had said something - shouted at him, cried. Anything but the stony silence.

"Emma," he said softly as she ran her hand over her skirt to smooth the wrinkles. She looked up at him, the pain so evident in her eyes that he almost flinched. "I'm sorry."

The words sounded hollow, so inadequate for how he felt. But he didn't know what else to say to her.

"We'd better get inside." She turned to walk away from him.

Sam grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. "I'm going to make it right. Even if it doesn't change the judge's mind, I'm going to tell him - and everybody in that courtroom - that we don't need to extort money from anybody. I just ... I'm a man, after all, and a man has his pride ..."

Emma looked away. "It's too late, Sam."

"Maybe not. But I have to try."

Wind tugged at the lapels on Sam's jacket, and rain dotted Emma's light brown dress.

"We're going to get soaked if we don't hurry," Emma pointed out.

Sam didn't move, but he released her arm. "No matter what happens in there, we have to talk when this is over. We have to talk about us."

He watched Emma's face for a sign, some signal that she understood what he was trying to say. If she had any thoughts, she hid them well. Her only reaction was a slight nod of acknowledgement, then she turned and walked away.

A few minutes later, Fred strolled in and took a seat near the back of the courtroom, followed by Amanda and James. Amanda waddled up to the table and gave Emma a quick hug. Turning to Sam, she said confidently, "It'll work out."

"We'll find out soon enough," Emma replied, suddenly thinking that Amanda looked as tired as Emma felt. "Are you feeling all right? You look exhausted."

Amanda chuckled. "It's this baby. Won't let me sleep nights. Every time I lie down, he decides it's time to play. But it won't be long now."

Fifteen minutes later, the Howards and their attorney entered the courtroom. Today, Florence was decked out in dark blue. Emma wondered if their attorney had suggested she tone down her wardrobe.

Winston didn't spare them a glance, walking right past them as if they didn't even exist. He sat down, leaving his wife and the lawyer to follow behind. The lawyer held a chair for Florence. She sank into it with an audible sigh.

Moments later, the door between the courtroom and the judge's chambers opened, and Judge Carstairs entered. To Emma, he seemed even more stern and forbidding than he had during the hearing, and she felt a wave of fear wash over her as his gaze met hers.

He sat down behind the bench and leaned forward. "Are all parties involved in the matter of custody of the three minor Jenkins children present?"

Both attorneys spoke at once.

"Then we can proceed." The judge picked up a sheet of paper and scanned it, then placed in back on top of a black leather folder.

Sam stood up. Beads of perspiration dotted his forehead, and his hands were clenched at his sides. "Your Honor ..." His voice faltered, and he cleared his throat loudly. "I'd like to say something ... I want to ..."
