Page 92 of Emma's Wish

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Jonas waved Sam's thanks aside. "I'm the one who should be thanking you," he said. "I haven't had so much fun in years. Can't get too excited about somebody drawing up a will or a bill of sale. That's about all I get to do these days, especially in Charity."

"I have a feeling all that's going to change," Sam said.

Emma tore herself away from Amanda and came to stand beside them. Tears filled her eyes, but this time, they were tears of happiness. Shyly, she reached up and kissed Jonas's cheek. "Thank you," she murmured.

Jonas winked at her. "My pleasure."

"Will you come for dinner tomorrow?"

Jonas's eyebrows lifted. "A home-cooked meal? Well, I'd be a danged fool to turn that down, now wouldn't I?"

Emma smiled. "Good." Her smile faded as she caught sight of the Howards leaving the courtroom. Winston's head was bowed, and he was obviously furious with his attorney. His wife's gaze seemed to be focused on the clock above the doorway, but Emma sensed the woman's humiliation.

Sam's voice broke into her thoughts. "This calls for a celebration. Pass the word, Fred. Saturday afternoon at our place."

Emma turned to Jonas. "We'll expect you to be there, of course. You're the guest of honor."

Jonas reddened. "Now, Emma--"

"Let us do this," Emma pleaded. "Please."

"Then I'd be honored. Now I'm going home, and you two had better go and get those children of yours home for supper," he said with a smile. Picking up his leather satchel, he turned to leave. "See you tomorrow night."

Gradually, people moved away, leaving Sam and Emma alone. Sam drew her into his arms. There was no need to say anything. He couldn't have expressed himself anyway.

Finally, he drew back and gazed down at her. "We'll have the party. But before then, you and I are going to have that talk."

Chapter 18

Emma gripped the porch railing and watched as the wagon carrying Fred, Lou and the children disappeared into the night. The creak of the wheels rolling over the packed earth faded, leaving only silence. Leaving her alone.

With Sam.

She was well aware of why Sam had asked Fred and Lou to take the children. Sam had apparently decided that this was the time to have the talk - the talk about their future, their marriage. He'd reminded her of it several times today alone.

Mercy, she couldn't deal with this tonight. She was too tired - both physically and emotionally - to keep her defenses intact. And lately, it was becoming more and more difficult to resist him.

With an exhausted sigh, Emma glanced at the door to the barn, waiting for Sam to appear. Flickering light glowed in the window as he moved through the barn settling the animals for the night. The routine would take him about ten minutes.

Ten minutes.

Perhaps if she was asleep when he came in ... She had plenty of time.

Turning away, she scurried inside and up the stairs.

She had finished tying her hair into a thick braid and was unfolding her nightdress when she heard his footsteps on the stairs. He was early! It hadn't even been five minutes. Her heart thundered in her chest, and she tugged her nightdress over her head, not bothering to fasten the row of pearl buttons. She jumped into the bed, yanking the quilt over her and burrowing her head deep into the feather pillow. Holding the opening of her nightdress closed, she rolled onto her stomach and tucked her hands beneath her.

Sam opened the door and stepped inside. She heard the la

tch click behind him. "Emma?"

She didn't answer. A feather spine jabbed her cheek, but she didn't dare move.

"I know you aren't sleeping," he said. She could feel his eyes boring into her.

The bed creaked as he sat on the edge. Through lowered lids, she couldn't resist peeking as he tugged one boot off, then the other. He stood up and took off his shirt, exposing a breadth of muscle that never failed to make Emma's breath catch.

At the sound, he turned to face her. Emma quickly closed her eyes. She knew what he wanted to talk about - her testimony. She'd admitted her feelings for him, and now he would expect her to be a real wife to him - something she couldn't do.
