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“You have no idea how much I needed to hear that,” I whispered in her ear.

It was never going to be easy—that was certain.

Charlie and Mom took on the legal side for us, processing all the paperwork necessary. The hardest part was the wait, up to three months to apply to be foster parents.

But then, luck appeared to be on our side.

Or perhaps, someone from above was watching over us.

Stewart Knight granted us temporary guardianship, still within his rights as the paternal father before his role in the child’s life was officially terminated.

He admitted that bringing a baby back home to London, with his wife and family learning of his affair, would be catastrophic for everyone involved. During a long video call with him in which our mothers sat in with us, Stewart admitted to a pre-nuptial agreement not being signed, and half of his fifty-billion-dollar empire would go to his wife.

It wasn’t just the money at play, nor his wife leaving him.

Her Italian background made it all the more complicated.

I read between the lines, though he never confirmed the truth, his wife’s family had mafia ties. It wasn’t just Stewart’s life on the line but this child too.

And so, he signed over the rights knowing his son will be given a good life. He also requested a confidentiality agreement to be signed that this situation is never to be spoken of. We all agreed with the intent to protect the baby.

The most surprising part of the conversation was Stewart’s honesty of his feelings toward Ashley. I’d spent enough time around powerful men to know his vulnerability is not for show. His words echoed his sentiments. He fell deeply for Ashley but knew he could never leave his wife.

A tragic ending to what was his greatest love story.

Then, after a month of waiting, the baby was placed in the arms of my wife, and I knew right there we did the right thing. All the heartache was worth the journey, all because we opened our hearts to allow another human being to be a part of us.

Amelia was born to be a mother.

And if it was possible—I fell in love with her even more.

Yet, none of this was possible without our family. They were the compass to guide us, the pillars keeping us strong. They are the tie to our past and the bridge to our future. We were far from perfect, but we always come together in the end.

To Lex, Noah, and Kate, for helping Rockford Technology open a new office in Los Angeles. The logistics of the move, along with the takeover from Lau, created an enormous amount of stress for me. However, they all stepped in, taking on as much as they could, allowing me to be present with our child.

For Julian and Andy, for helping Amelia organize to transfer to UCLA. It wasn’t easy, but thanks to them, Amelia won’t fall too far behind.

To Eric and Ava for finding us a new home, a stone’s throw from Lex and Charlie. If it wasn’t for them, we’d have no place to raise our child. Not only did they find a home which we both fell in love with, but they also furnished it and made sure we had everything we need.

To Adriana, for setting up the nursery and organizing everything we need for the baby.

For Dad, who organized a welcome home party. Thankfully, it

didn’t involve strippers for once.

And to the two most important women in our life—our mothers.

Thanks to them, we have a son.

Ashton Alexander Edwards Romano.

Our rainbow baby, born after the greatest of storms.

