Page 8 of Something Wet

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What the heck was wrong with her? The moment he’d walked in the door today, she’d had a mission. Seduce Logan McMasters. Sex. Just sex. Nothing else. But he surprised her when he told her he’d been waiting for her to be free of the ex.

She shook her head. It didn’t matter. Logan was nothing more than a one-night stand. Sure, the sex was extraordinary, way up there in the WOWZA stratosphere, but once she got in her car tomorrow morning to go home, their liaison would be over.

She reached into the shower, turned the water on full blast, and watched the steam billow upward. Besides, what man would even think about having a relationship with a woman who jumped into bed—well, on the sand with him—the first time they were alone together? She’d broken the cardinal rule.

Yes, they were acquainted because of Dayna, but they’d never spent any time together outside of parties and mutual friend’s houses. Still, she doubted even that would make him see her as anything more than a weekend sex buddy.

So why was she kidding herself into believing it was something more than it was?

She scrubbed the sand and salt from her skin, washed her hair and towel dried off before putting on pair of khaki shorts, a white tank, and flip flops.

In the kitchen, she found him scrounging up food with Harper, Blake and Ian.

“Ugh, finally,” Harper said, waving her hand toward the counter at warmed up hot dogs, hamburgers and bags of chips. “Please tell these men they need more than meat and bread to sustain themselves.”

Violet laughed, took a bag of chips, and poured some out on a paper towel.

“Don’t forget the potatoes,” Blake said.

“You’re hopeless,” Harper said before she tossed a dry towel at Blake that he caught before it smacked him in the head. Then she rounded on Ian. “And you. I know Stella doesn’t want a hot dog this late at night.”

Violet looked around. “Where is she?”

“In the attic,” Ian answered. “Dayna told her that her grandmother had a lot of old pieces she brought with her before she moved into the beach house that she couldn’t bare to give away so she placed them in the attic. Dayna’s sure some of them are antiques.”

“Oh boy,” Violet joked. “She’ll never come down from there now.”

“Right,” Ian agreed. “So I volunteered to help retrieve sustenance, but Ms. Chef over here won’t let me.”

“That’s not true,” Harper asserted. “I only suggested you add some fruit and vegetables with it.”

Ian threw up his hands. “Fine. Make me a tray and I’ll take it. Just don’t forget the meat. I need meat.”

“Fine,” Harper grumbled. “Just try a piece of fruit. It won’t kill you.”

Violet sat on one of the bar stools and snacked on her chips. She knew if she sat there long enough, Harper would put a plate in front of her. Logan rounded the island, and his gaze lingered on her crossed legs. It sent heat sizzling through her veins.

He approached, leaned down to whisper in her ear, and trailed the palm of his hand up her thigh. “I’m giving you ten minutes to eat. After that, I’m tossing you over my shoulder and we’re going to find a bed.”

His deep, dark voice poured over her like warm milk chocolate. He was by far the sexiest man she’d ever come across in her life. On one hand, what woman wouldn’t want to be ogled by a virile, gorgeous man? However, when it was all over, where did that leave her heart?

Logan moved behind her and surreptitiously swiped his hand over her butt before he sat down beside her. The wolfish grin he gave her made her stomach clench, and a heated flush stole over her body.

As predicted, Harper placed a plate of fruit, grilled chicken and vegetables in front of her.

“And here you go,” she said to Ian. “Enjoy.”

He looked down at the platter and back up at her. She’d given him two hamburgers with a glazed sauce dripping off of them, no buns, fruit, vegetables and ranch dip. He glowered. “Seriously?”

Harper pointed toward the exit. “Go.”

Ian turned on his heel and left, Logan and Blake’s laughter following him.

“I’ll be back when I know you’re out of the kitchen,” he yelled.

Harper pointed to Blake. “You. Sit. Don’t think you’re getting off easy.”
