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Maxwell Cooper thought I was calling him about the piece on Lennox, but what I gave him instead is far bigger. He’s been only too happy to help. Very soon, it’ll all be public.

Cody has called several times to check on me and remind me that no matter what happens, he’ll be there to pick up the pieces. The fallout will be intense, but I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. We talked all night about what this means for me and my parents. It will be the severing of our relationship, permanently, as was always threatened. Cody says Mitchell Media is on its last legs, the board is threatening to fire my father, and his daughter giving a blockbuster exclusive to his largest competitor may be his push off the cliff.

He didn’t need to tell me that Dad has seen several lawyers now trying to find anyone who would take his libel case after his in-house attorneys refused. My mind was made up before hearing that, but it does ease the guilt I’ll probably always carry. I’ll handle that on my own two feet with my head held high, though.

I’m doing what’s right despite the personal consequences. And while Lennox will never forgive me, in a million years, for what I had to do to get these videos, he’ll be able to race again. He’ll be a world champion again. I believe in him and will watch him on TV every other Sunday from wherever I am in the world. I’ll be his biggest fan quietly supporting him in secret, for the rest of my life.

I just need to get through this press conference.

Max and Aria are here by my side because we have no idea what Digby is going to pull. Celeritas has called a special press session ahead of the normally scheduled driver interviews, so he knows something is up and we’re expecting a real shit show. We’ve been on the lamb, only just turning up for the press conference, so it’ll be a surprise for everyone. I’ll never see my little flat back in the London countryside again, but it will all be worth it.

“It’s time. Ready to do this, kid?” Max asks me.

“Damn skippy.” I link arms with Aria who I couldn’t imagine not coming with for the piece de resistance, and the three of us walk through the ‘Press Entry’ door.

The room is filling up with journalists from around the world, far more than usual because of the special session Celeritas called. Several Celeritas bosses are lining one wall but I can’t see Lennox, he’s nowhere in the room. I guess he never was one to attend any press meetings he was not forced to be at, but I had hoped he would be here. This is for him as much as it’s for me.

“Incoming,” Max taps my arm and looks toward our favorite coke fiend storming toward us, his red face scrunched up and so mad he could spit.

“What are you doing here?” He seethes at me. “You were fired! You can’t be here!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Dickby, you must not have seen my new paddock badge.” I hold up my neck lanyard for him to see. “I know reading is not your strong suit so let me spell it out for you. See, it says Cooper Media, VIP All Access.” I run my finger along the words like a real smart ass. It’s glorious.

“What? This is outrageous! You can’t do that!” Digby huffs. This may be the first time in his life he isn’t getting what he wants. Welcome to the real world, pervert.

“I can do that, and I did to that. I win, Dickface, you lose.” I probably should be more professional standing next to Maxwell Cooper, CEO of one of the most influential media corporations in the world, but my need for justice outweighs workplace etiquette.

“Lose? We’ll just see about that. Your caveman lover boy will be the biggest loser this sport has ever seen by the time I’m done with you two!” Digby has his hands on his hips and sashays his head at all three of us.

I snap when he insults Lennox. I’ve had to be quiet for too long. “That caveman is more of a man than you will ever be!” I poke Digby in the chest as hard as I can. Aria tugs on my arm but I am on a roll and Digby is going to hear me.

“You have to buy your way in here and fuck with his car in order to win. You’re a pussy!” I poke him again. “Also, your dick is fucking tiny! Tiny! That’s right, you have a tiny little dick! Your arch-nemesis, though, that caveman you speak of, huge dick, I mean huuuuu…”

Aria is tugging at me again despite me swatting her away while I unleash my fury on Digby. “Mallory!”

“What!” I finally snap at her. Her eyes are huge and she points behind us with one finger.

Oh shit, Jack and Matty are behind us and have heard my out of control rant that devolved into dick sizes. Their jaws are both hanging open in stupor. Even stoic Matty is slack-jawed.

“What is happening right now?” Matty asks no one in particular as my face flushes from embarrassment.

I come to my senses and focus on the mission at hand. “Is Lennox here?” I ask them but they’re both looking at me like an insane person. Of course, I look like an insane person, they don’t know anything yet other than whatever Celeritas told them about this press conference, and I just announced to the room that I know Digby has a tiny, tiny dick.

Shit. If I ever got the chance to talk to Lennox again, I wanted him to hear the explanation from me, but now he’ll be blindsided and hurt again when his friends inevitably tell him what his psycho ex has done now.

“Please take your seats,” the FIA Press Officer says over the microphone at the podium.

Max takes my arm and starts leading me away. “Come on, let’s move upfront. We’ll let Celeritas do their schtick first so we can respond after. The AV guy has the file and is ready to put it up on screen at your command.”

Aria, Max, and I move to the front of the room while Jack and Matty continue to squint their eyes at me like I have two heads. I’m so nervous, I’ve never seen the press room this full. It’s standing room only with media personnel from every sports network around the world.

Fake it ’til you make it, girl.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s

get started,” the Press Officer states and the room gets quiet. “As you know, this is a special media session requested by Celeritas Racing. We will start with driver number fifteen, Lennox Gibbes.”

“What?” I say aloud, to no one. The Press Officer steps from the podium and Lennox enters the room from the side door the drivers use to enter at the last minute. He’s in jeans and a grey button-down I bought him to make up for stealing half his clothes. He should be in Celeritas gear. There are so many people packed in this room he doesn’t even see me.
