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i know that name brain in brain on fire where where where do i

know that name this place i know this place

trees i smell the trees they smell like

man alpha big alpha comes to me

child i am child and alpha says there are wolves gavin there are wolves and

witches gavin there is magic and monsters

you are not

you are not a monster gavin your father is

you are safe here alpha man says i tell you this

i tell you this not to hurt you but to

make you know you are never alone

i looked for him i remember now dead he’s dead he’s dead

follow gordo

follow ???? brother ????

is that who witch man raven man is is is

and i

i attack i kill them make smell go away

don’t need him don’t need this don’t want this place

but then

but then

he comes


he’s yelling

wolf stupid wolf big stupid wolf

he is



others see him

