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As dinner finished, the duke looked over at her again. Concern lined his face. “My dear, are you feeling unwell this evening? You have been exceptionally quiet, which is most unlike you.”

There had to be some reason for her to be so subdued. She sincerely doubted the duke would want to know the truth. “I must apologize if I have been inconsiderate. I have a slight headache this evening.”

“Oh my dear, you should have said something before now,” the duke said rising up from his chair. “We shall not keep you another moment, shall we, Raynerson?”

She glanced over at Raynerson. He cocked a brown brow at her. He didn’t believe her. It was as if the man could see right through her lies. She prayed he couldn’t truly see into her soul and the darkness and lies there. Falsehoods she’d told herself and others over the past six years. Actions she could never take back no matter how much she wanted to.

“Of course, you must retire at once so one of us will have your full attention tomorrow evening,” Raynerson replied.

“Yes, of course I will do just that.” Tessa rose from her chair.

“And which one of us will have the honor of your company, my dear?” the duke asked with a quick hard glare at Raynerson.

“Why you, of course, Your Grace.” Tessa refused to meet Raynerson’s probing gaze. “It has been ages since we attended the opera together. I do hope you understand, Mr. Raynerson.”

“Absolutely,” he said roughly. “Thank you for a lovely dinner, but I should take my leave now.”

“As should I,” the duke said before adding, “I look forward to our evening together.” He ambled over and kissed her forehead like a father might. “Goodnight, my dear. Get a good rest and feel better.”

She nodded at them both but noticed the way Raynerson tightened his jaw. He should realize that she truly had no choice tonight. Choosing a man she barely knew, over a duke whom she had known for years, would look strangely suspicious to the duke. If she wished to take Raynerson or any other man into her bed, appearances must be kept up, and being seen in the duke’s company could only help the situation. Everyone knew he supported her family socially and more importantly, her in Society.

Keeping the duke close would prevent any further gossip about the company she kept. And the more she saw Raynerson, the more he kissed her, the more she wanted him in her bed as quickly as possible.


Once seated in the duke’s box the next evening, Tessa scanned the audience, not to see how many people were discussing her audacity to arrive with the duke, but for Raynerson. She doubted Raynerson had a box unless it was his brother’s, so she had to look down at the people below her position. Unable to spot him, disappointment raced through her. He hadn’t stopped to call on her today as she’d thought he would. Surely, he couldn’t still be angry with her for choosing the duke tonight.

Not seeing Raynerson today had given her nerves a sense of relief. Every time he was near, she felt on pins and needles wondering if he would kiss her or ask her to become his lover. Being with the duke gave her a sense of familial comfort. The duke was more acquainted with her misfortune than anyone, save her family. He had been the one she confided in regarding her concerns about marriage. His sage advice had helped her decide on all three husbands. He’d guided her past the men who would break her heart and never love her. Strangely though, the only husband who had loved her had been Stanhope, and he hadn’t been the duke’s first choice for her third husband.

As the opera started, she put aside her concerns and focused on the beautiful music. She glanced over at the duke only to find him dozing in his chair. Intermission roused him from his nap and brought the usual people by to greet the duke. A few even deemed to nod at her with a slight smile. All for the duke’s sake, she was certain.

“Good evening, Lady Stanhope,” a familiar feminine voice sounded from behind her.

Tessa turned her head and tears welled. “Vanessa,” she whispered.

“Come now, I am Lady Winthrop,” she said with a laugh. “I believe I finally outrank y


Tessa stood and gave her dearest friend a hug. “I have missed you so much. I wish I could have stood up with you at your wedding.”

“Winthrop would never have allowed it.”

Vanessa’s husband and family had been keeping them apart for years, ever since Tessa’s second husband passed. “Why is Winthrop letting you see me tonight?”

“He did not attend with me.” Vanessa slid a glance over the duke, deep in conversation with Lord Stanley. “I heard a rumor,” she whispered.

“About me?” Tessa cringed.

“Yes.” Vanessa leaned in closer. “I heard that there is an investigation ongoing about your involvement with Stanhope’s death.”

Tessa shook her head. “That was over months ago, there is nothing to worry about there.”

“Thank God.”

“You should go...will you write me?”

Vanessa nodded. “Of course.”
