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“I will!” Charlotte shouted. “I’m almost five now, Aunt Raynerson!”

Tessa laughed. “Let Emma hold her first. You will get a lot of practice in a few weeks.”

“But I love babies, Aunt Raynerson.”

Tessa placed her daughter in Emma’s arms. “I know you do, Charlotte. And you are very good with Jane, too. But let your Aunt Emma hold her first.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Emma looked down at Jane and smiled at her. She pressed her lips together to keep anyone from seeing her lip tremble. Covertly, Emma wiped a tear away. At this point, she knew she was bound for spinsterhood with her reputation and that of her family now on all the gossipmongers’ tongues.

Louisa had tried to introduce her to a few fine gentlemen during the Season as she’d promised. Perhaps it had been too soon after Bolton’s betrayal because not one suited Emma. Most of Society ignored her. A woman rejected by a gentleman of high standing was considered damaged goods.

But she had already decided her New Year’s resolution. If she were bound to have this reputation after being jilted by Bolton, she was going to deserve it. She was tired of always being the “good” sister. After her adventures with Louisa, it was time Emma had a few escapades of her own.

“Happy Christmas,” a deep voice sounded from the hall. Simon Kingsley entered the room with an armful of presents for everyone.

Her stomach clenched with the sight of the vile man. Emma still couldn’t abide him. She would never forget how she walked into his office to see him with that woman on his lap.

“Happy Christmas, Miss Drake,” he said as he walked by her with a smile.

“Happy Christmas, Mr. Kingsley.” She promptly decided to ignore him for the rest of the day. Watching how happy her sisters were with their husbands was becoming most difficult, indeed.

A stab of envy struck her. She’d been the perfect sister. The one everyone said would end up as a viscountess or higher. She’d never done anything to damage her or her family’s reputation, and what did that get her? Thrown over by a viscount and now her family’s reputation was in question because of it.

Louisa had gone unescorted to at least two of Harry’s homes. And yet, Louisa not only married a duke, but they had fallen madly in love with each other.

Maybe she should try a scandal. Or maybe a few. Odds were, she wouldn’t fall in love, but perhaps she might have a little well-needed fun in her life.


That was what she needed. And as soon as the Season started, she had every intention of ruining herself for good.
