Page 102 of Vexing the Viscount

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Jonathon’s cheeks reddened. “I was waiting for a chance to speak with Emily. She was supposed to go to the park. Then I noticed you and Hart pay a call and then Constance.”

“Where were you?”

“Across the street, hiding behind a carriage. I didn’t have a great view, but I could see the door.”

Braden tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. He’d been wondering most of the day if someone might have tampered with the carriage while he and Hart were inside. “You didn’t notice anyone near my carriage, did you?”

Jonathon shook his head. “I saw your driver get down and walk around the corner to speak with someone. But if someone had come up on the other side of the carriage, I might not have noticed them.”

Braden released a long breath. “I don’t suppose you are on good terms with Constance?”

“Is anyone? I don’t think even Alistair likes his sister,” Jonathon said with a laugh. “Why?”

“Well, she paid a call on Emily and I thought she might have noticed someone nearby the carriage. Unfortunately, she seems rather displeased with me, although I’m not certain why.” Braden assumed it was due to Tia, but he wasn’t about to say that to Jonathon.

“I could try to call on her tomorrow,” Jonathon said. “She might also have some insight on Alistair.”

“Be careful around her.” Braden had no idea what made him say that. Constance had never done anything that would deem her dangerous. Her biggest fault was her attitude and gossiping. Not much different from most of the ladies in the ton.

“You don’t suspect her, do you?”

Braden shook his head. “No. But if she discovers that you are possibly the father of Emily’s child, she will take great delight in sharing that with everyone.”

“Emily’s child?” Jonathon muttered. “Emily is with child?”

Damn! “I apologize, Jonathon. I thought you must know.”

“But I didn’t know.” His brother’s face grew white. “I had no idea,” he said slowly. He raked his hands through his hair. “My child?”

“I am dreadfully sorry.”

“I need to see her.” He rose. “I will speak to you tomorrow. We have to come up with a plan for catching whoever is trying to kill us both.”

“All right.” He walked his brother to the door. Upstairs, another bang of the door sounded.

“I do believe whoever is up there would like your attention,” Jonathon said.

“Yes.” Unfortunately, Braden doubted it was his attention Tia wanted right now. She would be furious when she discovered Jonathon had already left.

Once his brother departed, Braden contemplated leaving her locked up for a while longer. Maybe she would fall asleep. Knowing her, she would stay awake to spite him. He walked slowly up the stairs with a grimace on his face.

“What has taken you so long?” Tia demanded the moment the door opened. She slipped passed him and raced for the stair, eager to see him again.

“He has already departed,” he said, walking into the room.

She stormed back to the bedchamber and slammed the door. “What do you mean, he already departed? I wanted to see him too! I wanted to see for myself if he needed medical assistance with his opium eating.”

“He had to speak with Emily.” Braden removed his jacket and flopped on the bed. “He didn’t know about the baby. I mentioned it, assuming she had told him.”

Tia covered her mouth with her hand. He must be so upset. If that child was really his, he or she would legally be Eldridge’s child and possibly his heir. “I’m sorry. I had no idea either. I would have made the same assumption after last evening. She is starting to show slightly. I’m surprised Jonathon didn’t notice.”

“So am I,” Braden admitted. “Perhaps he didn’t want to acknowledge the possibility.”

“Other than the issue with Emily, how was he?” Tia asked before sitting on the bed. A part of her wanted to lay down with him, but another part of her still held some anger for his stubbornness.

“He looked well. He has put on a little more weight and he showed no signs of the opium. He told me he hasn’t touched it since before he came out to the estate in early summer.”

“Thank God,” she mumbled. But she still had so many questions to ask him. “Why did he suddenly decide to pay you a visit?”

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