Page 52 of Vexing the Viscount

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“Nelson, have a brandy poured in my office. I have some papers to look over,” he said harshly.

“Would you like company?” she asked hesitantly.

“No, go to bed.”

“You’re not coming to bed?” Wasn’t tonight when he had said he would make her his mistress, make love to her, and show her how to please him? She should be happy he wanted to work and she wouldn’t be forced to accept him into her bed. Except a part of her wanted just that. As much as she’d told herself he was all wrong for her, there was an attraction she’d never felt for another man. A very dangerous attraction.

“Go to bed, Miss Featherstone.” He walked down the hall before she could reply.

Feeling rejected, she walked to her bedchamber, where Mary waited for her.

“How was your evening, miss?” Mary asked as she helped removed Tia’s gown.

Tia shrugged. She had no idea how to describe all that had happened tonight to the maid. Perhaps someone born and raised in Society might understand the oddities at the party tonight. But she doubted either a lady or a maid had been in many gaming hells. Few even let women inside their hallowed halls. “It was fine,” she finally replied, stifling a yawn.

Maybe it was best that Middleton didn’t want her tonight, although his rejection stung her pride. What was wrong with her that he didn’t want to make love to her? She shouldn’t care, but she did. “Ow!”

“Sorry, miss. I didn’t mean to jab you with the pin,” Mary said quickly.

Tia slid a glance toward her maid as she hurriedly put all the pins in a decorative jar. Mary appeared a bit nervous tonight. “Are you all right, Mary? You seem to be in a rush.”

She inhaled and then blew out a breath. “No, miss. I am well. Just tired and wishing for my bed.”

“Once you remove my stays, you can go to bed. I can manage the rest.”

“Thank you, miss. You and his lordship are most kind.” Mary swiftly untied her stays, put the clothing away, and said, “Good night, miss.”

“Good night, Mary.” Tia put on her night rail, then sat at the small dressing table and removed the pins from her hair. She wished she knew for certain if Middleton would be joining her. If he did, she wanted to leave her hair down. Not knowing for certain, she quickly put her hair in a queue. Unable to sleep, she picked up a book and stared at the words.

The sound of Middleton’s voice carried from the study and made her pause from her reading. Who would he be yelling at? It was nearly one in the morning! She picked up a shawl and tossed it over her shoulders before heading down the stairs. Nelson met her at the door to Middleton’s study.

“Who is here, Nelson?”

Nelson shook his head. “I only went downstairs a few moments ago. There was no one here.”

Tia bit down on her lower lip and listened to Middleton’s rant.

“You should be ashamed of yourself. You were doing so well at the estate, only to return here and revert to your foolish ways!”

A short bout of silence followed.

“How dare you say that to me, your own brother? You are the one who brought shame to this family, not I.”

Tia’s mouth gaped. “It’s Jonathon, Nelson. He must have come in after you went downstairs.”

Nelson’s brows furrowed as he shook his head. “I’m quite certain the footman at the front door would have notified me.”

She reached for the handle and stopped when he said, “Miss, if that is Mr. Tavers in there, I doubt his lordship would like you to interfere.”

“You might be right, but my concern is I don’t hear Mr. Tavers’s part of the conversation. He might be hurt.” Without another thought, she opened the door and entered the room.

“What are you doing here?” he demanded.

Tia scanned the room. “Where is Jonathon?” she whispered.

“Right over there,” he said, pointing to an empty chair by the fireplace. “And what would make you think coming down here with no clothing on was a good idea? Anyone might see you!’

Panic surged through her mind as she tried to determine what was causing his delusions. There was no one else in the room except Nelson, who stood at the threshold staring at them both. How much brandy had Middleton ingested in an hour? “I am wearing my shift, Middleton.”
