Page 77 of Vexing the Viscount

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“You are driving me mad,” he whispered, staring down at her.

“Good,” she replied with a slight smile.

He moved away from her reach and settled between her legs. Feeling his manhood at her entrance, she tried to relax. She knew it wouldn’t hurt like the first time, still, she had no idea what to expect.

He entered her slickness gradually, as if testing her comfort level. Her body eased him inside, stretching to accommodate his size. The feeling of fullness was overwhelming.

“Are you all right?” he asked as he filled her completely.

“Yes,” she replied with a shiver. “You feel so good inside me.”

He groaned slightly. “You feel so good around me. You’re so tight and wet. I just want to stay here all night.”

“It’s still afternoon,” she said with giggle.


Then he moved slightly and her laughter stopped. Just that minor movement was enough to make her realize how close to the brink she was from his being inside her. This time he slid out of her and then back in. She looked up into his eyes and was lost. She was his in body and spirit. She loved the man.

Watching his face tighten as he fought off the passion trying to take over his body made her love him more. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips, bringing him deeper inside her. Her body was on fire. Climbing higher with every stroke, she never wanted this to end. But soon, she was at the top with no place to go but over.

“Yes,” she whispered as she tightened her inner muscles around him.

“Tia,” he moaned.

An explosion of color burst upon her. “Braden, oh Braden,” she said, shaking with the emotion and passion sweeping over her body.

“Tia.” He stroked her twice more before closing his eyes to his own climax.

He collapsed down on her, his breathing ragged. She wrapped her arms around him, enveloping him in her love. “I love you,” she whispered.

Chapter 18

Braden stilled. His breathing all but stopped with her words. She didn’t mean them, of course. Far too many women had spoken words of love in the heat of the moment, only to retract them once morning came and they fully realized whom they had fucked. He would let it go for now. He couldn’t speak words of love to her. Not when he wasn’t certain what he felt for her was anything but six months of pent-up lust.

He didn’t like red hair and freckles on a woman.

Did he?


Oh God, she was going to want to talk about this. He supposed he could pretend to have fallen asleep.

“I know you’re awake.”

“How could you know such a thing when I’m on top of you?”

She laughed softly. “Your breathing is much too erratic for a sleeping man.”

Damn her and her wise woman skills. “Well, you have me there.” He rolled off her and brought her close. Please don’t bring up words of love right now.

“Is it always that good?”

Oh, thank God, she wanted to speak of sexual intercourse. “No. Sometimes it’s even better. Were you sore?”

“No.” She wrapped an arm around his chest. “When can we do that again?” she whispered.

“After I rest.”
