Page 93 of The Valentine Inn

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I had no intention of giving up. Ever.


Five Months Later

Izzy and I lay on the hardwood floor to admire the Swarovski Crystal French Empire chandelier that had just been installed.

“It’s like diamonds dripping from the ceiling,” I sighed.

“Bling, bling.” Izzy laughed.

I took her hand and squeezed it. “We did it.”

“I suppose we should give Drake some credit. Everyone and their dog wants to stay here because of him.” That was true. We had been fully booked since we opened in April.

“Look at you. Maybe you’ll be friends with him yet.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I kind of like the animosity between us. It’s fun.”

I laughed at her. “Thanks for letting him live the dream with us.”

“Speaking of dreams, I need to make sure the cleaning staff has the Graham and Amanda room ready for our new arrivals.”

“Hey.” I reached for her before she left. “Are you ever going to tell me about that kiss?” I’d been asking her for months.

“Nope.” She sat up before she stood.

“Come on.”

“Please let it be. It’s not something I’m exactly proud of. Okay?”

I nodded. “Okay. I love you, Izzy.” I wished she would just tell me, but I understood wanting to keep some things to yourself.

“I know, Char. Now go back to admiring your diamonds in the sky.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” I gazed up at the beauty glittering in the afternoon sunlight streaming in. If any guests walked by, they were probably going to think I was nuts.

Two of my favorites did end up walking by. They had gone on a secret excursion today. It was all very mysterious and hush-hush.

I turned my head as they walked past. “Hey, guys.”

Drake tilted his head. “What are you doing down there?”

“Admiring the chandelier,” I squealed.

Drake and Jameson walked my way.

“Lie down next to me,” I invited them to join in my lunacy, while I admired Drake in his shorts. Ooh la la.

They both gave me the same raised brows.

“Come on,” I encouraged them some more.

“Okay,” Drake relented.

They each took one of my sides and looked up.

“It looks like diamonds, doesn’t it?” I still couldn’t get over how gorgeous it was.

“They look like the one we bought you today,” Jameson blurted. “Oops.” He covered his mouth.

I whipped my head toward Drake, who was cringing and sighing. Did Drake buy me an engagement ring? The butterflies were on alert to start doing any dance they dang well pleased.

“Sorry, Dad.” Jameson was about in tears.

“It’s fine, son.” Drake reached across me and ruffled Jameson’s hair.

“I ruined the surprise.” Jameson turned into me.

Drake propped himself up on his arms. “Jameson,” he said kindly. “Look at me, son.”

Jameson buried his head further into me. “No. I ruined it.”

“You didn’t ruin anything.” Drake smiled at me. “I’m still going to propose to your mom. And she’s still going to say yes.”

“You think so?” I playfully challenged him, all while bursting with inexplicable joy on the inside. It was as if the magic of the place was suddenly culminating in this one moment.

“I know so.” He was so dang sexy.

Jameson peeked his head up. “You will marry him, right?”

“He has to ask me first,” I sang, while turning my head toward Drake.

Drake brushed back my hair and gave me that look of his that said he saw me and loved me. “Will you marry me, Charlotte Valentine?”

I looked up at my chandelier, and then back at the dream I wanted more than anything. The one we had been working so hard for. “Yes.” And just like that, it came true. Best decision of my life. And guess what? It involved a man.

