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Hunter opened the passenger door to his truck and held my hand as I climbed up into the seat. He shut the door and rushed around to the driver’s side. Once he was in, he started the truck, quickly backed up, and pulled out of the parking lot.

We rode in silence, the heat between us building more and more. The air in the truck was so full of desire, lust, want, whatever you wanted to call it, that I could almost taste it. I wrung my hands together to keep from reaching for him, and I noticed Hunter had a tight grip on the steering wheel.

When he finally pulled into the driveway of his house, I felt like I was finally able to take a full breath. He turned off the truck, pulled out the keys, and sat there.

“I want you to be sure you’re ready for this, Bella.”

Turning to look at him, my heart swelled with love. Hunter was amazing, patient, loving, and my, oh my, incredibly sexy.

I took a slow breath in, exhaled, and softy said, “I’m more than ready, Hunter.”


Hunter swallowed hard, studying my face, and then the rest of me before he focused back on my eyes. “You look so beautiful. Fuck, that outfit has been driving me crazy since I first walked into Greer’s and saw you. I can’t even think straight every time I look at you.”

I looked down and then back at him. I knew I looked cute, and yes, the outfit showed off my figure, but it was as if I was wearing lingerie with the way Hunter was looking at me.

Sex with Hunter had always been a place I felt like I could be myself. A place where I could want things, and I knew he would never make me feel any less because of it. He’d always made me feel so sexy and confident. I needed to feel that way again.

“Then maybe we should go inside, so I can take it off and you can…think clearly,” I said.

He closed his eyes and groaned. “Christ, Bella.”

I opened the truck door and the light in the cab came on. Hunter opened his eyes, and I sucked in a breath at how blue his eyes were. They looked as clear as ice. I had forgotten that his eyes did that when he was turned on.

“Take me inside, Hunter. Please.”

He was out of the truck and over to my side so fast, I couldn’t help but laugh. “That was some serious speeding there, Officer.”

With a wink, Hunter reached in and scooped me out of the truck, kicked the door shut, and then hustled toward the house.

“You didn’t park in the garage,” I noted when he nearly slipped on the steps and dropped me.

“This is faster.”

He somehow managed to hold me while he punched in the code to his front door, pushed it open, and rushed inside. Jack was there, greeting us both with excitement.

“Does he need to go out?” I asked as Hunter started for his bedroom.

Cursing, he set me down and headed to the back door. “Jack, let’s go.”

Jack barked and zipped past Hunter, running through the house to the back door. I followed them as Jack jumped off the back porch like he did every single time, completely bypassing the steps in his search for a spot to use the bathroom.

“Christ Almighty, Jack. Just go to the bathroom!” Hunter called as I stood inside and watched Jack take his sweet time. If I didn’t know any better, I might have thought he was doing it on purpose.

“I’m going to leave your ass out here if you don’t hurry up!”

I pushed the screen door open and stood on the porch.

Hunter looked back at me and frowned. “Bella, you’re going to catch a cold. Go back into the house where it’s warm, sweetheart.”

Giving Hunter a wicked smile, I replied, “I bet I know a way you can warm me up.”

He looked as if he might fall to his knees. Turning, he yelled, “Jack, now!”

Jack spun in three circles and finally took care of his business before rushing back toward us. Hunter took my hand and led us back into the house, closing and locking the back door, and then reaching down and picking me up once again.

He practically sprinted to the stairs, taking them two at a time while Jack barked and followed us, clearly thinking Hunter was going to play with him.

Once we were in Hunter’s bedroom, I felt my heart somersault in my chest when the bed came into view. A small part of me panicked for the smallest moment, but then Hunter slowly eased me down, causing my body to slide against his, and the last bit of fear drifted away as he looked into my eyes.

“My heart is pounding,” he whispered, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.
