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“Ours,” she whispered back in wonderment.

There wasn’t a single other word in the world she liked better.



Confession time. The thought of deflowering Alix scared the shit out of him. He never wanted to hurt her. He didn’t want to disappoint her. A girl’s first time was something they remembered forever. He wanted her to have it with him. God, he wanted it more than anything, to be her first, to love her and treat her proper, but it was also scary as hell.

What if he disappointed her somehow? What if he came in two seconds? What if she thought his dick was disgusting?

Okay, she’d touched his dick before. Seen it too. She probably wouldn’t be here if she thought it was gross. She wasn’t the type to be into pity sex and she sure as fuck wasn’t a gold digger. She wanted him long before he was ever rich, and she had no problem telling him off after.

Alix opened the door first. She scrambled out of the car and raced around to the back seat. By the time he joined her, she was already peeling off clothes. Which was good. Because his hands were shaking and suddenly, he was having trouble with his own.

Alix peeled her shirt off. That flamingo tank that he wanted to rip clean off her body. She peeled her bra away and kicked out of her jeans in record time, all before he managed to get his stupid t-shirt off. He couldn’t look at her. His hands fumbled with his jeans. His cock already felt like it was going to explode, and he was pretty sure the knee to the nuts earlier hadn’t damaged anything, because they felt like they were functioning just fine, tightening up and doing the point of detonation thing too.

Just like before. Alix was going to be the death of him. Of his reputation.

He couldn’t wait.

He wanted the entire world to know that she was his and he was hers and that he did, after all, cheesily enough, corny enough, believe in the one.

“Get your pants off!” Alix whispered shouted as she scrambled across the back seat of the car, a naked goddess, and tugged at his jeans.

The things weren’t even that tight and she still had to peel them off of him. She wasn’t gentle. She tugged so hard that denim gave him denim burns down his legs. He didn’t know that was even possible. She attacked his boxers next, freeing his cock so that it sprung up between them like it had a mind of its own.

She curled her hand around his shaft and stroked him from base to tip, and oh right. His cock definitely had a mind of its own and right now, it was purring and enjoying the hell out of what Alix was doing.

She stroked him a couple of times before he even realized where he was or what was happening or remembered his own name. He was just about to open his mouth and try to produce sounds and noises that equated to language, when she lowered her face and suddenly it wasn’t just her hand wrapped around his shaft. It was her lips too.

She took him into her mouth. Into her warm, tight, luscious, amazing mouth. His. Cock. Was. In. Her. Mouth.

Ross threw back his head and tried to think about the embarrassing scene in the kitchen. About anything. Anything to slow down what was happening, because he was seriously, seriously about to embarrass himself like he was the virgin, not Alix.

“Alix!” He twisted his fingers in her hair. “Alix Bear- god- you’re going to kill me here.”

She jerked her head up, her cheeks flushed. “Am I- was I- doing it wrong? Was it not good?”

“Fuck,” he ground out. Apparently, she’d never done that either and that- that nearly threw him over the edge. “Yes, you’re doing it right. It’s just that- I…” This time it was his turn for his face to flush.

“What?” She stared at him, then it finally sunk in. “Oh,” she breathed. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Oh.”

She stared at him, pressed up against the door so hard that the handle thing was digging into his lower back, probably leaving marks. She shook her head so hard that the dark curtain of her hair flew all over the place.

“I don’t care. It’s okay. This is me, Ross. Me. Honestly, it’s flattering. It’s more than flattering. Just get it out of the way. There’s nothing you can do with me that I haven’t imagined already.”

“Alix!” He hissed. It wasn’t a disappointed hiss or chastisement. His cock jerked between them and he had to nearly bite his tongue off to keep from coming. He imagined her thinking about him. About them. It was such a heady thought, it was like another knee straight to the balls, but a good one, though just as painful.
