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“If you want to come up to the counter, I’ll take care of payment for you,” she forced out past a thick, closed up throat.

Rick, who emerged from his room, still stripping off his black gloves, shot her a strange look. He raised a brow and glanced at Rhett, but she quickly shook her head and turned. She powerwalked up to the counter faster than the group of ladies she always passed on her way home from work every Tuesday night. They looked funny walking like that, and she imagined she looked ridiculous too.

She reached the desk and gripped the edge like a lifeline in a crazy ass storm.

That crazy ass storm just happened to be named Rhett. Hurricane Rhett. It had a nice ring to it.

“Uh- Rick?” she turned, blushing. It was the first time she’d ever not asked what to charge. Usually, he volunteered the information, but the shit-eating grin on his face told her that he liked seeing her squirm. Which was new. She was never anything less than composed. Her palms dampened and she managed to be an adult and not stick out her tongue.

“Five hours.”


“No problem.”

Rhett was now on the other side of the desk, where he belonged. Safe. He was a safe distance away. Bella ducked her head and busied her hands gathering the aftercare package, which was a sheet of instructions and a jar of Vitamin E jelly. The stuff was awesome, at least she thought so. Took the burn and itch right out of healing tat.

Rhett would be far away tomorrow. There was no such thing as far enough. He could be back in Phoenix. It didn’t matter. Her pulse still spiked every time she thought about him.


Did he really have to give her three orgasms? Good ones too? The man probably set out to ruin lives all the time. Three. Jesus.

“Um- okay. So- your- uh- care instructions are all here. It’s pretty simple. Just leave it alone as much as you can. Don’t scratch or prick. Use the Vitamin E or some tattoo cream or something unscented. Believe me. Perfume is a bitch in there and so is anything chemical. Just- yeah. Follow the sheet.”

Rhett frowned slightly, but his eyes danced, and she had the feeling he was laughing at her. “I survived. It’s alright. I’ll figure it out.”

Bella let out an undignified snort that was supposed to come out more as a sarcastic sigh. Her face heated up a thousand degrees. And so did her body, because right then, Rhett leaned in. He put his elbows on the countertop and actually leaned so that his face was mere inches from hers.

“I did my time. So- will you do yours?”

“What are you talking about?” she ground out.

“Will you go out with me now? For dinner?”

While her heart went into a spastic thundering that stole her breath, she feigned nonchalance. She actually rolled her eyes. “Next time you want to take me out, you could just ask, you know. Call? Text? Show up? You didn’t have to get something on your body that’s there for life if you didn’t really want it? And spend a thousand dollars.”

Rhett gaped at her. “That’s how much it is?”

“I assume you can afford it, given that you financed my sister’s lifestyle for so long.” It should have been rude and as soon as the words were out, Bella was horrified at herself, but after a long pause, Rhett actually laughed. He laughed until his shoulders shook, a full belly, amazing kind of laugh.

“Touché. You’re right.” He pulled out his wallet and forked over some cash. She looked at the bills for a minute and he hesitated. “What? Did I not count right?”

“It’s just that- you’re a newbie, so I’ll tell you this with all the respect and nicety that I can. It’s customary to tip your artist. Usually a hundred dollars for what we consider a full day tattoo, but you can give more if you’re feeling generous.”

Rhett nodded. He pulled out two more hundred and handed them over. Bella smiled. “Rick will really appreciate it.”

“No doubt. He did a good job. I’m quite happy with it. Might even consider getting another.”

Bella giggled. “Oh god. Now I’ve done it.”

“Last time I checked, you didn’t force me into it.”

She leaned against the desk, a smirk on her face. “No? You probably wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. And- that- why are you here anyway? Seriously, you could have just asked me out for dinner.”

“Maybe I’ve always wanted a tattoo but was too afraid to try it. I needed to go to a place I trusted.”

“I wouldn’t say that you could trust me.”

Rhett’s grin was dazzling. “No, but Rick’s a good guy.” He hesitated. “So. Are you going to let me pick you up in a few hours? Take you somewhere good?”
