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How often did my sister and Turner talk? And I couldn’t get the question of what happened between the two of them out of my mind. It didn’t surprise me that Mary betrayed me. But Violet? I never thought her capable, and a hurt deep inside me grew.

“I haven’t yet told her my plans. She’s not sure what she wants.”

“That’s what I’m saying.” She didn’t sound sure. “I don’t want to see either of you hurt.”

“Nothing’s certain, but I hope she’ll give us a chance.”

It probably didn’t say much that I sat there listening to their conversation, not that I’d meant to. Once I heard that something happened between the two of them, I was forced into silence. Somehow, I knew they may not ever tell me the truth of it willingly. However, it was time to stop spying. I got up and made a lot of noise.

When I stepped into the main room, Vi was there with a bright smile on her face. “Sleep well?”

“It was okay,” I said and walked over to the stove to warm my hands. “Where is Steven?”

“He’s already left for work duty.”

I traded a sideways glance at Turner. “Wow, he’s eager.”

“He’s trying to impress Father.” She shrugged.

“He looks familiar,” I said.

She brushed off that question. “Maybe he has one of those faces.”

“No. I can’t put my finger on it. But I’m certain I’ve seen him before.”

Vi tossed down the rag she’d been using to wipe down the table. “You don’t want me to be happy, do you?”

I rushed over and wrapped an arm around her. I rested my head on her shoulder. “It’s not that. I worry about you.” As much as you fret over me, I didn’t say. “I’m worried that you don’t really know who he is and why he would need a place to stay. Doesn’t that concern you?”

“What do you think, he’s some kind of criminal?”

I would never judge anyone on their appearance.

“I don’t know what to think.”

“He’s good,” she spat.

I straightened and held up my hands. “Fine. He seems nice.”

Turner had remained quiet, and I was curious about his thoughts but didn’t want to put him on the spot. It was obvious he’d held Vi in his confidence. So, I dropped it and helped Vi make a breakfast of biscuits and eggs.

After we were done and the tiny kitchen area cleaned up, Turner said, “Well, I should be going. No doubt they’ll be wondering why I haven’t appeared for morning chores.”

I glanced at his hands, knowing he would use them to fix and build things throughout the day. I thought about how those same hands had held me all night.

“Bye,” I said, feeling awkward. I almost thought he would lean over and kiss me, but he didn’t.

When the door closed behind him, I turned to face my sister. It was then I let the heat of my anger percolate through my skin. “Is there something you want to tell me about you and Turner?”

“Bailey, I’m sorry.”

“How long did you wait after I left town before you pursued him?” I asked.

A righteous indignation crossed over my sister’s haunted features. “Why are you back here, Bailey? Why are you getting Turner’s hopes up? He deserves better than that.”

I paused, surprised to hear her sounding like Father when she’d always been my champion. “Why?” I asked. “So you can have him?”

A horrified look graced her features.

“It wasn’t like that. Remember, we’re closer in age. I started crushing on him once I realized boys weren’t gross.”

“You never told me that,” I spat, even though I’d known. The hurt I felt flowed through my words.

Her look was now pleading. “You followed him around like a puppy and wouldn’t have understood. You would have told him, thinking it was a joke.”

“I didn’t follow him around.”

She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Okay, but I followed you too. I worshiped you both,” I confessed.

“I thought he hung out with you to be around me. Then it turned out, you were the glue to his being around. I don’t know when he fell for you. But it was you two that clicked. You were too young, and he never treated you any different than just a friend, so I let it go. Then more and more he came over to hang out with just you.”

I sat. No, I flopped down onto the bench in front of the table. My eyes were heavy with guilt. Had I known her feelings for certain, would I have done anything differently? Would Turner have been with my sister and happy if I had backed off? These were questions I would never get answers to. I had part of an answer. If there had been a spark, why didn’t he pursue her after I left, and she made herself available?

“What, you’re just going to sit there?” she said.
