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“I’ve been trying to get with you for months and you kept leading me on, and now you have the gall to tell me that you are going on a date with someone else!? You little bitch, who do you think you are!? What, you think that you are too good for me or something!?” Brian growled out loud as he gripped her hair in one of his hands as the other held her chin tightly so she could not look away, before he pushed her away and started to kick her in the stomach, making her let out a small whimper.

Aria knew that she should fight back, try and escape or call for help but she felt paralyzed as it all came too close to home for her.

How many times had she been in this same position in the past?

How many times had she found herself lying on the ground under a man’s feet waiting for a punishment she knew she did not deserve?

Brian kept calling her every foul name he could think of while he repeatedly punched her in the face as she lay there feeling numb.

She was starting to get lightheaded and she knew that she would soon lose conciseness if the beating continued for much longer. Just when she was starting to think that Brian was actually going to kill her, the boy finally stood up and let her go.

“Have fun on your date, bitch.” he sneered at her before running away.

Aria blinked a few times; feeling disoriented and like her whole body was on fire. Every single bone in her body hurt and she could feel her head bleeding excessively.

She somehow managed to take her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans, grateful that she had left it there in her haste to get home, and not in the bag where she usually kept it.

It slipped through her fingers a few times before she managed to get it in a tight grip, her hands slippery from blood. She dialed the last number on her recent contacts list and waited while trying to remain awake.

“Ari?” she heard Nura from the other side of the line and sighed in relief.

“Nura, I am hurt, call an ambulance... t... tell them to come to the bus station at my s…s... school.” she managed to slur out before the phone slipped out of her hand and the world turned black.


Aria heard what sounded awfully lot like the beeping of her alarm clock, making her groan since she wasn’t ready to get up, feeling too tired to even open her eyes.

A horrible, slicing pain shot through her body as soon as she tried to move even a muscle, and her mouth tasted like cotton, making her feel like she would give everything for a single drop of water.

Confused, she tried to remember what happened, the thought that she had perhaps gotten drunk with Nura, appearing in her still fuzzy mind. But that couldn’t be true, since she was supposed to meet Will not her friend, as far as she could remember.

After she finally managed to open her eyes, Aria was left feeling more confused than ever at the sight of white walls, and machines beeping all around her.

What was she doing in the hospital?

Looking to her right, she saw an old nurse standing by the bed and writing something in what was probably Aria’s chart.

“W… what happened?” she whispered, her throat dry and hurt

ing, making her wince as soon as the broken words left her mouth.

“Hello Aria, I am Nurse Katy, and I am glad to see that you are awake, you have been unconscious for twelve hours. The doctor will be here soon and he will answer any questions you may have.” she said while putting the chart back into its place.

“Now, I’m guessing that you would like to see your friends? They were very worried about you and they refused to go home last night until they were allowed to see you.”

Aria quickly nodded, immediately regretting that decision when a sharp pain shot through her skull and made her eyes water.

The friendly nurse soon left the room and after a few minutes, Nura, Nate, Meg, and Will all barged in almost tripping over each other in their haste, which would have made her laugh if she had enough strength to do such a thing.

Nura immediately ran up to the bed and hugged her, her face a picture of distress.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again!” Nura managed to say through the sobs while she squeezed the air out of Aria until Nate came to her rescue and pulled the brunette into a hug to try to calm her down.

Aria looked up and her eyes immediately met green ones. Will stood next to Meg, a worried frown on his face, before he walked up to Aria and hugged her gently.

His move surprised her, but as her skin came into contact with the soft material of his white jumper and she felt his lips leaving a small peck on her forehead, she found herself relaxing for the first time since she woke up.

“What happened? Who did this to you, Ari?” Will asked her, pulling her out of her head, and she looked around to see everyone looking back at her as they patiently wait for an answer.
