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He was there for five days and those have been the best days of Will’s life.

The girl was perfect for him. Smart and funny and so beautiful, that when the time came for them to get back to reality, Will was reluctant to go home. But he had to; it was way too early for them to even consider living together. They were just getting to know each other, and there were a lot of things that he still didn’t know about Aria.

She hadn’t told Will about her past or about how she got those horrible scars and she was still fragile so they would have to take baby steps.

And besides, Aria wasn’t the only one with a painful past, since Will had his own demons to deal with. He still wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell her about what happened back in LA, even though he knew that he should talk about it. But it was too hard, and the last thing Will wanted was to remember.

In the end, he decided to just wait and see what happens, after all, they had all the time in the world.

A new friend

It was her first day back in school since the thing with Brian happened, and Aria was shaking in her boots, beyond nervous to be there. There was a slight possibility that Brian would be there since he had apparently been released out of jail on bail after the police had arrested him for assault a few days ago.

Aria wasn’t even sure if he should report him at first, but William and Meg were adamant that she did. She had honestly thought that Will was going to explode once Aria had voiced her doubts to him, so she had quickly agreed and went down to the station.

She was also feeling tired, having not had much sleep for the past two nights. She had foolishly gotten used to having Will in the other room at night after sleeping alone for so long, that now when the man wasn’t there anymore, she felt miserable and lonely. And she then felt stupid for feeling miserable because he had only been there for a few nights and here she was, acting like a clingy fool.

After making herself stop fretting, Aria went into the lecture room and found an empty seat. She had a feeling that everyone was watching her and whispering about what happened last week, and after looking around she saw that she was right which only made her even more nervous because she hated nothing more than being the center of attention. Aria was sure that she was blushing furiously and she mentally cursed her pale complexion for not being able to hide it.

She suddenly saw one of the guys that Brian usually hung out with walk into the room and immediately started heading toward her as soon as he saw her, which made her freeze in her seat.

“You’re Aria, right?” the guy asked her as soon as he reached her table and she just nodded, not trusting her voice not to come out as a squeak since the boy standing in front of her was huge and intimidating.

“I just wanted to let you know that I don’t agree with what Brian did to you. I told him like a thousand times that you don’t seem interested in him, but he kept being a stubborn ass. And I am sorry that it had to happen, because have I known what he was going to do, I would have stopped him. So, if you need someone to verify your story in court or something like that, I will be happy to help you.” he said as Aria stared at him with wide eyes, completely surprised by his offer.

“But, what about Brian? I thought that he was your best friends?”

“There is one thing you should know about me, and that’s that I don’t like violence, especially if it’s directed toward a woman. After what he did to you, there is no way I am ever speaking to him again let alone calling him a friend.” the guy said and then took the empty seat next to her.

Aria looked at him with appraising eyes; he appeared to be a good guy, at least judging by his words, so she decided to do something that she hasn’t done since high school, if you didn’t count Nura; make a new friend.

“What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?” she asked him quietly, not sure if the boy was going to answer.


“Nice to meet you, Ethan. Maybe we could hang out sometime. I don’t know anyone on campus, and I kind of suck at making friends.” Aria said, feeling incredibly nervous and self-conscious, but Ethan just smiled at her and nodded.

So, not such a bad day, after all.


A month later Aria was sitting on the couch, finishing a presentation for a class and at the same time thanking God that after the end of the current semester they will be moving on to the actual work in the hospital, when her phone made a sound, signaling that she had a new message.

“Hey, baby. Are you busy?”

It was from Will and she instantly perked up, happy to think about anything other than school.

“Hi. No, I am not, I just finished my assignment.”

“That’s great, baby. Would you like to come to my place for dinner?”

“I would love to. What time should I be there?”

“Be here at 7, I want to talk to you about something. See you, baby.”

Aria looked at the last message and frowned. Those words never lead to something good and she felt her stomach starting to roll.

She hated it when people said something like that and then expected her to wait to find out. She was too curious and she knew that she wouldn’t be able to think about anything else for the rest of the day.
