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After what seemed like an eternity to Aria, but was most probably a few hours, the doctor who had admitted Will when he and Aria had arrived at the hospital, came out of the operating room.

“Will Jones’s family?” he asked and was surrounded by all of them in a second.

“Yes, I am his sister and these are his girlfriend and friends.”, Meg said urgently.

“Is Will going to be alright?” she asked and the doctor smiled and nodded.

“Yes, he will. He was shot in the chest, but miraculously the bullet went straight through, not hitting any major arteries or organs. The only problem was the blood loss but we were, fortunately, able to replace it. Luckily the call came quickly, thanks to the young woman over there, and of course the pressure she applied stopped the bleeding as much as possible. If I was being honest, that probably saved Mr. Jones’s life in the end. He is a very lucky man, your brother.”

A collective sigh could be heard throughout the room, as Meg turned around and hugged Aria tightly. The girl started crying again but this time in relief; Will was going to make it.

The happy group thanked the doctor, who informed them that they would be allowed to go and see Will in an hour, one at the time.

Meg went in first and stayed for a couple of minutes before she stormed out of the room looking angrier than Aria had ever seen her.

“Meg what’s wrong?” Nate asked his friend as soon as she approached them.

“Will told me who did this. That bastard better pray that the police find him first because if I do...” she started to rant but trailed off when the doctor approached again to inform them that the police had arrived to take Aria’s statement.

She told them everything she knew, which wasn’t much since she never actually saw the bastard who did it, and then she was finally allowed to go see Will.

When she entered the room, Aria’s eyes immediately zoomed in on the man lying in the hospital bed. Those green eyes were already looking at her and a small smile was lighting up his face.

“Hey, baby. Did you miss me?” he said, his voice raspy and quiet, and as soon as she heard it Aria started crying once again. She ran up to the bed and threw herself on Will, already sobbing into his neck.

“Ouch!” Will moaned and Aria immediately jumped back in fear.

“Oh my God! I am so sorry, Will! Did I hurt you? Should I call the doctor?!” Aria started to blabber, feeling horrified with herself for being so stupid.

“It’s fine baby, don’t worry. I am just as happy to see you.” Will said, chuckling lightly and then wincing a little, as he took hold of Aria’s hand. “Are you okay? He didn’t do anything to you?” the man asked and Aria shook her head.

“No, by the time I got to you, you were alone. I didn’t see anyone. What happened? Meg said that you know who did this.”

“It was a professional hit, sent by Norman.” Will said and when he saw Aria’s confused face quickly elaborated.

“The contractor I am suing for scamming me. He built my offices here in New York, but used cheaper materials and kept the rest of the money for himself. Once I found out and reported him, he disappeared.” he said and Aria frowned, the worry intensifying at the mention of the mysterious man.

“What now? What if he sends someone again?” she asked since just the thought of Will being hurt again, or worse, made her sick to her stomach.

“Don’t worry, baby. I told the police and they are going to find him. In the meantime, I will get security for both of us.”

“Me too?” Aria asked, her eyes bulging out of their sockets.

“Yes. You may have not seen anyone, but that doesn’t mean that they haven’t seen you. And I will rather get shot again than see someone hurt you because of me. Now come here baby, I need to feel you beside me.”

Aria quickly nodded and got into the bed without protest. She put her head in the crook of Will’s neck and sighed in relief.

“Will?” she said after a few minutes, not sure if that man had fallen asleep.

“Yes, baby?”

“I… I love you.” she whispered, feeling more terrified than she had ever been in her life. But every time she closed her eyes, she was back in his apartment kneeling next to him on that floor in a pool of his blood, unsure if he was going to make it, and the only thing running through her mind was regret at not telling him how she felt.

Will was quiet for a moment, making her anxiety skyrocket, before he moved slightly until he was looking at her, the most gorgeous smile on his lips.

“I love you too, baby. I love you too.”

The Ex-files
