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We get inside a really nice room that’s set up purely to scream luxury. It’s posher than anything I have ever been to before, and I immediately feel out of place. Like I don’t belong.

I glance up at Carter, but he’s fine. Of course he is. He’s rich, this is the sort of thing that he does all the time… or he probably did before I came along anyway. We don’t ever do anything fancy. We’re more in to spending time with one another, enjoying each other’s company. He smiles down at me and immediately seems to sense my discomfort. But instead of making a big deal about it and turning it in to a drama, he just pulls me closer to him and takes us to the bar to get a drink. With him by my side, everything will be okay.

“Come on, let’s go and find our seats. See where we’ve been stuck.”

“You don’t think that we should do some networking? Aren’t these events for networking?”

He grins. “I have spent all my life networking. I have always focused on business. Tonight, I just want to have a good time with you. It doesn’t even really matter if we win the award, as long as I’m with you.”

I squeeze his hand and follow him to the table, now feeling like tonight is going to be perfect. Every moment with Carter is always amazing, he just proves to me over and over again.

The evening rolls along nicely, helped with the drinks, and soon it comes to the awards. I enjoy every moment of celebrating the successes of other people. I also love all the drama that comes with it. In a way, it’s even better than the Oscars because people are more free to do and say what they want. People actually stand up and argue when they don’t win, putting down their competitors, which is hilarious. It stops me feeling bad for them for not winning, because it’s a lot of entertainment. Although if we don’t win, I won’t be doing the same.

“This is us,” Carter whispers with excitement as our category comes around. “It’s time. And I just want you to know that if we win, it’s all because of you. If I never started listening to you and changing things around, then things wouldn’t be rolling around as good as they are. I never got here without you, so it has to be you.”

I glow, his words really making me feel incredible. My natural instinct is to argue, to tell him that he’s wrong and that he’s the one who’s done all the hard work, but for once, I don’t. I probably won’t ever see myself through his eyes, because the way he sees me is crazy, but I decide to just take the compliment for what it is.

“Thank you, Carter. But that doesn’t mean I’m getting up on stage with you…”

“Oh, you sure are. If we win, then you definitely are.”

The announcer starts speaking then, silencing me from arguing anymore. I don’t think it’s one that I will win anyway. Carter is determined and when he’s determined, it borders in to stubbornness.

The nominees are read out, and my nerves get the better of me. I cling tightly to Carter’s arm, nestling in to him, needing every inch of him. Each business is incredible, but secretly I do think that we’re better. We sell more, we produce more, we reach further, we bring more jobs into the community…

But that doesn’t guarantee a win, I won’t forget that.

“And the winner is…”

I don’t know if it’s just me, but it seems like he’s being more dramatic this time around, taking more time over the answer. Carter holds me, his love flowing through me, his reassurance comforting me.

“Lace Owen Enterprises.”

I almost forgot that we combined our name until that very moment. As Carter leaps up, dragging me with him, I want to laugh and cry all at once. Who would have thought it? After everything, we’re now award winning, recognized for others by being amazing… and I couldn’t be happier.



Valentine’s Day… my first one that I’ve actually cared about since I got divorced. The first one since Raelyn walked into my life, and I’m excited about it. I’m really looking forward to it. The plans I have are epic as well. I can’t wait to see her face when she realizes what I’ve done. She’s going to lose her mind. I get a deep thrill just thinking about how she’s going to react. I feel like an excitable school boy with a crush.

Only it isn’t a crush, it’s a deep and powerful love that I never thought I would get to experience. It makes my past life pale in to insignificance, it’s almost as if it never happened and I didn’t start living until now.

I saw my past life recently as well. Anna with Daniel. They didn’t see me, but it didn’t matter. Seeing them looking happy together was enough. It proved to me that all of my guilt trip was a lie. It was all just a way to get money out of me. More money. I didn’t fall for it luckily, and its further evidence that I’m so much better off now. Now I have a woman who actually gives a shit about me and it’s wonderful.

“This is awesome, boss,” Gary says to me with a self-satisfied smile. “Y

ou’ve done well. You must be so happy. I’m happy for you! Glad that you could finally see what the rest of us saw.”

“Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.”

“Well, your mom rounded us all up. She was insistent, so we didn’t really have a choice.”

“Plus,” Leon joins in. “We want to do this for Raelyn. After all, that she’s suffered…”

We don’t really talk about it anymore, it’s a part of our lives that we’ve put behind us. But every so often, someone will make a comment that reminds me how strong my woman is. She’s amazing, such a tower of strength, I am such a big admirer of her. The way that everyone talks about her just reminds me of my luck.

“Well, I hope that she loves this.” I glance my eyes around the room. “Do you think she will?”
