Page 24 of Inked

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I lean my head back and allow my eyes to fall closed as we drive, blocking out the whole night. It was okay to see my friends, but I don’t think they’re my friends anymore. We’re too far apart. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a bad thing. It’s just changed, that’s all. I can cope with the change.

The driver wakes me up as we arrive at the hospital, which is a very embarrassing moment for me. But the sleep has done me good, it’s sobered me up. Not that I was drunk by any means, I am ready to see my sister. I pay the driver and head inside to the hospital, glad when I see one of the nurses that I know. She will let me inside.

She does, she takes me to Jane’s room, and I’m surprised to find my sister awake.

“Hey, Jane, are you okay?” I ask her, shocked. “What are you doing being awake so late?”

/> “What are you doing here? I thought that you were out with the girls tonight.”

I roll my eyes and take my seat beside her. “It was lame. I didn’t enjoy it at all.”

“Oh no, why not?” Jane looks really concerned for me, like my issues are more important than hers.

“It was just boring. The club was dull, the drinks were expensive and the people were…”

Jane narrows her eyes at me, trying to read the truth behind my gaze. I need to hide it inside because if I tell her that I didn’t fit in, that my life is too different, she will blame herself. I don’t want that to happen.

“Anyway, what’s going on with you, Jane? Are you okay?”

“I got the date of my treatment today. I guess I’m just thinking about it.”

“When does it start?” I gasp, happy and scared. “Oh wow, this is good news, right?”

“Yeah, I guess so. I’m just a little nervous, that’s all. It’s going to be a big change.”

I hold her hand and lean my head against her. “I will be here for you, Jane, you know that, don’t you?”

She nods, but remains silent, still lost in her own worry. I’m so glad that I didn’t have a good night and that I came here to be with Jane, I can tell that she needs me right now. She won’t ask for me, she’s too proud for that, but she needs me all the same. I climb into the bed with her, intending to stay here tonight. It won’t be the first time, and I hope that it won’t be the last.

“We can do this, Jane. Me and you. We can. We’re strong.”

“Kick ass,” she laughs thickly through her emotion. “Both of us. Especially you.”

I don’t think it’s me who’s the strongest, but I don’t have the strength to argue so I will just take that in. Kick ass, I can be kick ass. As much as I need to be. I have been kick ass recently, and I can carry that on. For Jane, and myself.

Chapter Fourteen


“What now, Charlie?” I ask with a doubtful sigh as he calls me into yet another meeting. I’m suspicious as hell, this can’t be good since Lexi is still working with me. “Am I about to lose my job here?”

“Actually, no, that isn’t the case at all.” He shakes his head. “He wants to send you on a business trip.”

“A business trip? He never sends me on business trips. He likes to do it himself.”

“I know, but he wants to show his trust in you. He wants you to see that he has faith in you. You have been improving so much recently and he wants to show that he’s proud of you. This meeting is more of a formality, if I’m honest with you, your father has laid the groundwork, you just need to get the paperwork signed, but this is a step in the right direction. If this goes as well as can be expected, then he will give you more.”

This is huge actually, and it isn’t something that I ever would have wanted before. I never wanted to get deeper into this business, but now I like that I have been asked to do this. It shows how well I’m doing. I didn’t ever expect to feel pride in this company and what I’m doing, it was always more of a burden than anything else, but now my mind is opening, and I don’t know what the future holds for me.

“Okay, I can do that. I can be a part of this business trip. I just need to get the paperwork signed, right?”

That doesn’t sound too bad, and if it will impress my father, even better. If I can make him feel proud of me, then there’s a chance that he will let Lexi stay here. He will see that she’s helping me improve and he’ll allow her to keep this job. I really don’t want to have to deal with that nightmare again.

“That’s it. Exactly. It won’t be hard, but it will make a massive difference if you make it work.”

I lean back in my chair and try to picture the future in my mind. The future where I remain here, giving up the side of me that wants to do something on my own, and becoming the man that my father really wants me to be. With Lexi working with me and making it pleasant to be here, I don’t mind staying.

“I will make it work, you don’t need to worry about that. When do I need to go?”
