Page 10 of Keep Me Going

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I couldn’t do that.

When she asked if I met anyone that I liked as far as men, I hesitated. Mom had her wilder times and understood lust and attraction. She’d told me some stories, but they were all before she had me. I needed to focus on my little girl, but I had needs. “Mama, I’m just trying to work and get my feet on the ground. I can’t think about introducing Lind to anyone yet.”

“I didn’t say that, Sol. I just think it would be nice to go out to dinner. You have help there.” Mom assured me as I closed my eyes in my room. “You deserve it.”

“I’ll get there. I’m just learning how to mom right now,” I told her sadly, still feeling the pain of Keith leaving us. He was a controlling jerk and I was better off but I guessed that every young girl had dreams of raising her baby with the father. I’d heard about him when I still lived in Mendocino since we had mutual friends and even saw him a few times. I avoided him as much as possible and once rumors began that he was moving back to open a business with a friend, I knew I had to leave. I couldn’t risk living in the same place with Keith and feel like Lindsay and I were safe. She was little then but eventually she would be in school and out of my sight more than she was now.

Starting over was the right thing and I made friends swear that they wouldn’t tell him where I was. Keith’s temper was well known in his circle of friends and they wanted to protect me. I had a great life here in Seattle and wanted this good luck to last.

It turned out that the client loved the idea for the winery and I worked mostly on that with Alex while still working with my team in the afternoons. The group consisted of two guys and two girls, all a little quirky in their own right. The girls were blonde and red-haired respectively with gorgeous faces and vibrant personalities. Millie and Brie were their names and while I was slightly closer to Millie, I liked Brie.

We were packing up to leave for the night when Millie pulled her hair into a messy bun. ‘Want to grab some dinner?” She asked me with a warm smile as I smiled weakly. Rosie was cooking at home and I had plans to do some shopping with Lindsay.

“I’m sorry. I have to get home. Unfortunately, my life isn’t that spontaneous.” I slipped my purse over my body and we headed towards the elevator. I’d made a habit of closing everything down at my main desk when I came over to the group to save time. I still saw Alex near his office, talking to Brent about something. I knew that I turned pink and looked down, hoping that it wasn’t noticeable.

“You do?” She asked as I nodded. Millie looked at me as we passed the guys and I pretended that I had no idea they were there. “What’s it like working with him?”

“With whom?” I asked blankly, trying desperately to not know who she was referring to,

“Alexander. He’s gone through a lot of assistants, but everything seems better with you,” she told me as I shrugged.

“He’s brilliant when it comes to the job. I think we might be working together more than he did with other assistants. I’m not sure though.” I kept my tone light as I waited for her to speak. I’d been dying to ask about him but didn’t want to seem too curious.

“Maybe. He was just always the jerk to the others. That or they wanted more from him than he was willing to give. Well, apart from Elizabeth. They slept together for a while, but she quit after a year. There were pregnancy rumors, but people talk a lot here.” Millie shrugged casually, and I forced myself not to react.

“That was it? She’s just gone?” I asked as Millie led the way to the elevator.

“As far as I know. I don’t deal with Alexander too much apart from projects. It’s very professional.” She stepped onto it and I looked out as we moved down to the lobby. “So, are you married or something?”

“No, nothing like that,” I chuckled as I smiled. “I have a daughter who is four. It’s just us apart from my nanny.”

“Oh, wow. That sounds tough.” Millie told me as I smiled at her.

“I guess. I just don’t go out a lot because of it.” I replied and looked through the window. It was getting dark out and I dreaded walking to the apartment. I felt my phone in my purse and reached for it as we walked outside. “Maybe we can plan ahead. That sounds like fun.”

“Perfect. How do you get home?” Millie asked as she looked at me with a curious gaze.

“I just live a few blocks down. It’s close.” We said our goodbyes and I sighed as I reached for my phone. So far, so good. I looked down at the screen to see that it was Alex sending me a message.

A: Where did you go?

S: I walked out with Millie tonight. Are you still inside?

A: Want a ride? We can get ice cream for your little girl on the way home.

My heart melted everywhere as I read the words over. I waited for him and Alex walked me to his car, taking me to an old ice cream store where we picked up a few pints. He paid and drove me home, kissing me gently out in the dim parking lot. I wanted to ask him about Elizabeth so badly, but this wasn’t the time. I got out and walked to my apartment, smelling pasta cooking in the kitchen. “Hi. It smells great in here!”

Lindsay ran to me and I told her to pause as I set the bag with the ice cream on the floor. “Mommy!” She jumped into my arms and I spun her around as my life fell into place. This kid was my life and I craved the idea of introducing Alex into it. He spoke kindly of her and the ice cream stop wasn’t the first thing he’d done for Lindsay. There were dinners and tickets he’d get to local events as well. “What’s in the bag?”

“My friend got us ice cream for dessert,” I boasted as I grabbed the bag and took it into the kitchen. I popped the containers into the freezer and helped Rosie finish dinner, thinking about Millie’s invitation. It would be nice to have a friend again. I had one back in Mendocino but when she still talked to Keith, I left her behind as well. It seemed so normal to have friends and go out for dinner and drinks. I glanced at Lindsay as she carried silverware to the table, following with plates.

“How was work?” Rosie asked as I tore off a piece of the French bread to dip into the sauce.

“Busy. I’m working on some great ads right now. It’s refreshing.” I smiled at Rosie, enjoying the glow that she had after moving here.

“I’m glad. You’re talented, Soledad. So young and moving up so far.” I laughed. “Aren’t you on one of the best teams there?”

“I am but still new to the company. I have some work to do before I get promoted to anything.” I took a bite of the thick sauce and noodles, moaning my appreciation. “Oh my gosh. This is so good.”
