Page 20 of Keep Me Going

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I helped Lindsay unpack her things and set up her room. The queen bed was loaded with animals and her favorite gray blanket and we hung all her clothes. Alex took Rosie to the hotel and gathered her things, checking out before they returned. Luckily, every bedroom was large in here and had their own bathrooms. There was a bathroom in the hallway for guests as well. It was gorgeous here and I looked at the vaulted ceilings with a smile. I was so restless and moved from under the covers and Alex’s tight hold on me. Slipping on a robe from the bathroom, I slipped out on our generous balcony and breathed in the cool wind that I knew I couldn’t handle for long. I looked over the lights of the city and reminded myself that this was my first place with a man that I loved. I was going to build a future here and smiled as I thought about what was to come.

Chapter Twelve


I went into work the following morning to keep up on things there as well as talk to my PI. I called Millie into my office and told her that I was going to have Soledad work from home for the day and possibly the week, depending on what I found out. She agreed and seemed to relax around me. “You’re good to her. She deserves that.”

“Thank you. We’d love to have you over for dinner sometimes. You’re a good friend to her.” I assured her as she grinned.

“I always heard things about you. I know that it was nearly all gossip, but I wanted to warn Soledad away from you. I was worried for her, but she was so happy. When I saw you on the street that day, I knew that this was love.” I smiled gratefully. “Keep taking care of her.”

“I know that you’ve heard a lot. I ignore a lot of it since it is almost all just rumors but I didn’t do any of that to Elizabeth. Things merely ended badly since she was a mistake. I’d never abandon a woman that I knew was pregnant with my child.” I shrugged. “I never heard that she was.”

“I get it. I know you better now but that’s between us.” She smiled, and I nodded at her. She was a quirky blonde that often had the ends of her hair various colors. She was brilliant and earned her way to the top team quickly and now, becoming my girl’s best friend. I watched as she left my office, closing the door as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

I had been in constant touch with the investigator. There was no trace of Keith having a black car at all. The red car was a proven theory, but nobody had seen it lately. I did know that he was in town still though he’d switched hotels.

I checked security cameras on the building for any signs of him. I already knew what he looked like and had every guard on alert for his presence here. It was the same with the loft and they all took me seriously. I didn’t overreact to things normally, so everyone understood that I was serious about this.

I checked in with Soledad late in the morning. She was working for a bit with the team before going to the movies with Rosie and Lindsay. I went as far as to have a man watch them with that knowledge. He would follow them and keep a close eye as instructed so they wouldn’t be stuck in the house. She sounded sorry that she wasn’t at work, but I told her this wa

sn’t forever. I reminded her that spending time with her daughter was a good thing. Soledad laughed and told me that she loved me.

I had lunch with Brent at a quiet steakhouse that we enjoyed. We had a private booth in the corner and I filled him in on the latest happenings. I had a small circle but the ones that were in it were people that I trusted. “Shit. Do you think it was him?” Brent asked as he sipped his water.

“I can’t find any trace of a black car connected to him, but it happened fast. They never even attempted to stop so it was a blur for most of the witnesses. I know that people drive crazy here but that was too close for comfort for me.” I replied as the waiter brought our plates.

“What’s next?” He asked as I cut into my filet mignon.

“She’s moving in with me. It started when he showed how dangerous he was, but I’d want it regardless.” Brent raised a brow at me. I don’t know what the future holds but she’s a part of it.”

“I like seeing you so happy. I just want things to calm down.” Brent assured me as I nodded.

“You and me both.”

A client contacted me with a rush job that was one of my best. I jotted down the notes since I was answering my phone as best I could on my own. I needed my girl here to help me and assured Jim that I’d be contacting him soon about an idea for his new brewery. Fuck it. I’d work from home for a change. That was never appealing to me when I lived alone. I had all the equipment in case of an emergency but didn’t use it. We could get Lindsay to bed and work in bed. I loved it and sent Soledad a text to run the idea by her.

I was leaving the building when I saw a man pacing the sidewalk a few feet away from the entrance. His dark hair and blue eyes were familiar, and I narrowed mine as I approached him. Why the fuck did Lindsay have to have his eyes? He glanced up and saw me, scrutinizing me with a smirk on his face. “I assume you know who I am.” I said quietly as I approached him. He didn’t scare me.

“You’re the guy that’s trying to move in on my baby girl. She’s mine, asshole.” My blood boiled as I took him in.

“She has never been yours. You deserted them and that was the best thing you could have ever done to Lindsay. She’s happy and you don’t need to fuck with that.” I warned as he stared down at the ground.

“I need fucking money. Dad’s pulling it away and I’ll only get it if I have my daughter. He wants me to straighten up.” I blinked in disbelief at his words. A man would encourage his criminal son to get his daughter for money.

“Her mom is all she’s ever had. Their bond is… you can’t break it. Get money another way. They’re mine now.” I growled as he stared at me. “You couldn’t get custody if you tried.”

“I don’t want to fight for custody. We both know that wouldn’t happen. I just want my daughter. I want my fucking money.” I stepped towards him, reaching for his throat as I heard someone call my name.

“Alex?” it was Brent and I grasped the stained shirt that Keith was wearing.

“Get the fuck out of Seattle and don’t come back. They’re mine now.” I warned him as a hand touched my arm.

“Is this him?” Brent asked, and Keith took that moment to jerk away from me and take off down the crowded street.

“Mother fucker,” I swore as people stared at me and he disappeared. We went to my car and I told him what Keith told me inside.

“Are you going to tell Soledad?” Brent asked as I stared forward. She’d lose it once she heard his plan, but I planned to never let it happen.
