Page 33 of Keep Me Going

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I’d put the fire out by telling Brent to say it was a stalker situation. It wasn’t a lie, but no one needed to know about the past. That was for Soledad to tell. It just got out of hand, but everyone was fine, and I was going back to work. “Are you okay?” I asked her as she sipped her ice water.

“Yeah. I just need to adjust to our new life. It’s been so crazy lately with everyone here and… I don’t know. I’ll sort it out.” Soledad smiled at me as she glanced at Lindsay, who was eating her macaroni and cheese as she stared outside. I was pretty sure that she was sad as well.

“I’m going to miss my grandmas and grandpa.” Her voice was low, and I shared a look with Soledad. “They were here for so long.”

“It’s because Alex got hurt. They were helping out,” Soledad told her as she ruffled her hair. We’d told her about what happened, keeping the details vague. She didn’t know the personal connection to the person that shot him. I’d tell her much later when she was older and able to handle it. As far as I was concerned, Alex was her father. “We’re going to visit them, and they’ll be here for the holidays.”

I looked at Alex, who was smiling at us. It was brighter than it should be, but I brushed that off. I knew how hard he worked to make her happy. “I know, Mommy. I just miss them.”

“Well, you’ll be with Rosie a lot now when we go back to work. She’ll take you to so many fun places and then we’ll do stuff on the weekends.” It was exciting to plan stuff without the fear of Keith being out there.

“Do you have to go to work?” Lindsay asked as my face fell. I knew this was coming.

“I am going to help Alex, Lind. He’s been gone for a long time and needs to catch up. We’ll see how it goes.” I promised her as she stabbed a grape. This was hard. I loved being home with her, but I also loved working. She’d also be going to school in just another year and be busy herself.

Things were changing so fast.

We headed home and got Lindsay ready for bed. We still had three days before we went back to work and I was going to make full use of it. Once she was asleep, we walked into our room and he closed the door. I walked into the bathroom to prepare for bed, shivering at the idea of him having full use of his leg. Alex was lucky that there was no permanent damage. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before slipping into a sheer black number that clung to my body. I didn’t have to wear this to make him want me, but I did a little shopping during my time home. I ran a hand through my waves and sucked in a breath as I turned around to look at myself.

I needed to get back to the gym. It was amazing how busy I felt staying at home. I knew Alex felt the same way.

I walked into the bedroom to see it lit by candles. Alex was standing by the closet in his fitted briefs and I felt my thighs grow slick at the sight. “You’re so fucking hot.” I murmured as he turned to me to raise a brow. His eyes locked on my body, visible through the lace.

“Me? Did you look at yourself?” Alex asked as he turned to walk towards me. He cupped my face, stroking my cheeks with his thumbs as he looked me over. “Beautiful. You’re gorgeous, Soledad. I’m so damn lucky to have you.” His eyes warmed as our gazes locked. “I love you.”

“I love you,” I told him as I felt my nipples pebble under the thin material and my sex ache deep inside. I leaned up to kiss him, tilting my head as our tongues moved together slowly. Alex lifted me and carried me to the bed, dropping over me as his kiss grew hungrier. He moved between my thighs, where I was bare, and he pressed his cock against my swollen clit. “Oh, God.” I cried out as I rocked against him, needed to come. Alex kissed my jaw, then my neck as he slipped his hand down between my legs. I was soaked, and he stroked me as I bit my lips to hold in a moan.

I felt Alex slip the material down as he sucked a nipple through the lace. He finished, baring me before he drew me between his teeth. I loved this man so much and craved him as his hands and mouth moved over me. He tugged the lace down and cupped my breasts as he kissed down my stomach, his chest damp with my juices. His thumbs stroked me, and I felt the pressure inside of me.

His mouth covered my pussy and I broke, moaning his name softly. The idea of a bigger place was so appealing in moments like this as my world went white. Alex sucked, prolonging my release as I gripped his hair tight and arched my back. I heard him move and then return to me, pressing his cock into me. He felt so good and I gripped the sheets as he moved. “Is your knee okay?” I asked as he told me he was. He’d been working hard here at home to get his strength back. I rocked with him, looking up into his stunning face as I realized again that he was mine. Alex drove himself deeper inside of me, groaning my name softly as I reached up to grip his shoulders. “Alex. Oh, God.”

“I’m going to come, Sol. Fuck. You feel so good.” His voice was guttural as he thrust harder, bringing me to another orgasm.

“I loved riding you the last few weeks but it’s so hot to have you doing me like this.” I told him as he pressed his face into my neck

“It’s hot feeling you like this.” Alex rolled away from me, dropping to his side beside me. He stroked my bare stomach and I thought about the many times I’d thought about having his baby since Keith died. Knowing that we could have lost each other that day made me fall even more in love with him and want a solid future. I kept that to myself though.

We went to sleep after that, ready for Lindsay to be up early. We had plans for a picnic and a trip to a museum the following day. It was going to be the big weekend before we returned to our normal responsibilities.

We visited Alex’s mom Jane first and I loved her little house in the country. It was a month after we went back to work and our first long weekend. The weather was a bit dreary, but it was still beautiful. I could see the appeal of it, but she seemed a little on edge during our visit. She seemed sad that we would be leaving in three days the first night we were there.

We managed a trip to see my parents before the holiday as well. Again, it wasn’t ideal weather, but we wanted to keep a relationship with all of them. Lindsay loved being with her family for that time and I’d never take it away from her. It was another long weekend and we spent a lot of it inside, eating and playing games. The burned shell of the house to the left of their property made my heart hurt, knowing it could have been them. We never knew if Keith did it, but the fire was arson and the locations matched up.

I stopped thinking about it and enjoyed the time we had there, watching Lindsay with my parents on their turf. She loved being in a house with land and a part of me considered living in a house with Alex down the line. I know that he loved the loft and the location, but to have a backyard that Lindsay could play in would be so prefect. I glanced down, sipping my wine as I pushed the idea away. I was getting ahead of myself.

On the way home, I glanced back at Lindsay and smiled. We’d chosen to drive and enjoy the views from the car window. There was no rush other than work the following morning, but we’d left early enough to be okay.

Thanksgiving was just over a month away, but Rosie was already planning. It would be a tight fit in the loft and hotel rooms would need to be reserved, but we’d be together. I found myself looking forward to the first holiday season since Lindsay was born. I was always too worried about Keith. I was bubbling over with new ideas for the holiday and Rosie jumped right in with me.

It was here before we knew it. Work was great, and I was back to working half days with Alex and the other part with the team. We were creating some amazing ads and gaining a name for ourselves. The company was earning more, and Alex gave us all a raise just in time for the holidays. Everyone knew we were together and accepted it. His shooting scared the staff and even if they didn’t know the details, they were happy to still have him around.

It didn’t hurt that Lindsay came in a lot to visit. They were adorable together and Millie asked when I was going to be having babies with him. Had we really just been together for less than a year? It seemed like so much longer and I was ready for that in some ways. I loved him and wanted a future, but I just laughed at her. We weren’t there yet.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I had the plans laid out for Christmas. I’d been looking at houses and planned to take the families to the one I thought was perfect for us. I put a hold on it and we were going to take a drive, ending up there. It wouldn’t be the best weather, but the yard was still gorgeous with a generous view of the blue water.
