Page 101 of The Perfect Holiday

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He smiled and nuzzled his nose to mine. “My darling, it was the wisest money I have ever invested… With the most wonderful returns.”

***The End***

Continue on to read FALLING FOR THE SEAL – a full length military romance novel with loads of steam and an awesome HEA!

Falling for the Seal


Even after all these years I can see her when I close my eyes at night; Annabel Lee, young, naked, fiery, her soft body covered in sweat, her dark hair cascading over her breasts as she rides atop me like Lady Godiva riding through the streets of Coventry. I loved her as much as any teenage boy has ever loved a teenage girl. Then, as teenage boys are prone to do, I screwed it up by cheating on her with another girl. Annabel caught us together and that was the end of that. She wouldn’t even talk to me. I was angry, alone, wallowing in self-pity. I was a ticking time bomb. I knew it was just a matter of time before I went off…

My name is Captain Shane Mavic. I’m a United States Navy SEAL. I’ve spent the last decade going into the worst shitholes in the world to take out the worst people. They’ve shot at me, tried to stab me, tried to blow me up, but it takes more than some asshole with a suicide vest to get the best of me because I’m fearless. I volunteer for the most dangerous missions because I’m not afraid of dying. You see, the joke’s on them. I’ve been dead on the inside for years. And that makes me one dangerous son of a bitch.

My name is Annabel Lee. I was in love with a boy once named Shane. He was the love of my life, but he had… well… issues. He came from an abusive home. He loved me, but cheated on me and that was something I couldn’t forgive. Then tragedy struck. Shane’s little brother died and Shane blamed himself. Then he had to confront his father, the man who had beaten him every day of his life. It was no wonder Shane lost control and did what he did. I should have been there for him. I should have taken him in my arms and told him it was going to be all right. Instead, I helped drive him away.

Now, Shane is back and all grown up. All muscles and tattoos and smoldering heat… My head is telling me to stay away, but my heart—and other parts of me— are screaming to be back in his arms again. Can I trust him this time to not break my heart? Or will history repeat itself and leave me broken and alone again?

PROLOG: Captain Shane Mavic

Who the fuck am I?

That’s a good question. And one that I have asked myself hundreds—if not thousands—of times over the years.

Others have asked the question, too, mostly strange women in strange bars in strange lands who wondered what it would be like to fuck a strange guy like me.

Or dangerously-stupid men who saw fit to challenge me on and off the battlefield, only to regret it once my boot heel pushed their bloodied faces into the hard barroom floor or the gritty Iraqi desert sand or the soft Columbian mud, like I was some kind of old timey gunslinger they wanted to gun down to further their own silly reputations.

I could understand the attraction on both accounts. I stood out like a sore thumb in their dark, little worlds, this big American motherfucker with no tolerance for bullshit and no look of fear in his eyes.

Most women wanted to fuck me and most men wanted to kill me.

Hell, I’d even fucked women who wanted to kill me and killed men who wanted to fuck me up, but that’s a whole ‘nother story.


Welcome to my world.

I wasn’t afraid of anything other than the past.

And the past couldn’t hurt me anymore.

At least that’s what I kept telling myself here in the present.

And fuck the future.

I never think beyond one day at a time.

It would be insane to do so, given the life I lived.

I went out, did my duty, and tried to come back alive so I could go out and do it all over again tomorrow. That was as far ahead as I ever looked. My world could end now and that would be just fine by me. I’d pretty much done everything God put me here to do and then some.

So, to answer your question, brothers and sisters, who the fuck am I?

I have no fucking idea.

Feel free to let me know if you ever figure it out.

CHAPTER 1: Shane
