Page 270 of The Perfect Holiday

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I closed my eyes. The pain in my head was so bad that even closing my eyes didn’t help. My world was a vibrating void of red and black pain, so sharp that I felt like I was going to throw up. Moving hurt. Breathing hurt. Everything on my body hurt – even my hair hurt.

“She woke up too soon,” Andy grumbled. “How much of that shit did have those guys give her, anyway?”

Hannah smirked. “I wasn’t counting,” she said. “I just splashed it on a rag and handed off the bottle.” She shrugged. “I think they were probably a little rough.” She laughed – it was a musical sound, like the tinkling of bells. “I mean, they were hired bodyguards.”

“What?” My voice came out as weak and unsteady as a newborn kitten. “What are you talking about?”

Hannah stepped closer and grinned. “Well, June, I couldn’t exactly grab you myself.” She made a little pouty face. “I’m not very strong, I certainly couldn’t have wrangled a big girl like you down to the pavement alone.”

My eyes stung with tears. “You…you paid someone to kidnap me?”

Hannah ignored me. She turned to Andy, looking annoyed. “She’s stupid,” Hannah said. “I can’t figure out why you like her so much.”

Andy chuckled. “Thanks for getting her,” he said. “Now I just have to wait for that shit to wear off and we can start to play.”

Panic cut through me like a knife through tender meat. I let out a scream. Screaming made my head ache even more than it was already hurting, and I whimpered and whined, closing my eyes as a torrential downpour of red-hot pain washed over me.

“Shut up, June,” Andy said in disgust. “We weren’t talking to you.”

I opened my eyes and tried to stare at him. He was moving around, swaying. That was when I realized that Andy wasn’t moving at all – somehow the drugs were making me think that there was more than one of him.

“You’re gonna be fine, June,” Andy said. “Trust me. I’m used to dealing with little bitches like you.”

I swallowed. My throat ached, too. There was a raw pain between my legs that was telling me that I had to pee, and I shifted uncomfortably on the chair.

“Can I use the bathroom, please?”

Hannah snickered. “Can you walk there?”

I stared at her. “What?”

“Bitch, I asked if you could fucking walk!” Hannah came closer. She shook her head and glared down at me. “You really are stupid,” she said. “I can’t believe Thomas fell for someone like you.” She tossed her blonde hair. “Normally he only goes for smart women.” She paused, laughing. “Although normally, smart women don’t care too much about Thomas. Most girls only like him because he’s so hot.”

Andy laughed. “Yeah, I know.” He eyed Hannah. “You girls are a bunch of right cunts when it comes down to it, aren’t you?”

She snickered. “We can be,” Hannah said. She cocked her head to the side. “What do you think we should do with her first?”

I watched in horror as they studied each other. I still wasn’t sure what the hell I was doing tied up in Hannah’s apartment. Did they want me as some kind of prop for some sick sex game? Or did Hannah have darker plans, plans with Thomas? I shuddered. I should’ve known better than to trust her, but I couldn’t help it. My naivete and trusting personality had gotten me into trouble before.

Unfortunately, this time it didn’t seem like I’d be able to get myself out of trouble.

“June’s a little slut,” Hannah said. She stamped her foot on the ground in anger, her blonde hair swinging. “I can’t believe Thomas actually wanted her instead of me!”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that now,” Andy replied. “June’s not going to be the apple of any man’s eye for a long time. Except mine, of course.”

My stomach twisted into a thousand knots at the sound of sick satisfaction in Andy’s voice.

“Please,” I whimpered. “What are you going to do with me? Why are you doing this?”

“You’re an ungrateful little slut,” Andy said. He stepped closer, until I could feel his hot breath on my face. “You know that? I wanted to date you, June. I really liked you – I thought you were cool.”

I whimpered. “Andy, please don’t do this,” I said softly. “It’s not my fault that we didn’t work out.” I blushed hotly. My sinuses were still filled with snot from my earlier crying jag and even though I couldn’t reach to touch my face, I somehow knew that my skin was red and sticky.

“Oh yeah?” Andy raised his eyebrow. “Then what was it, June?”

Andy and Hannah threw their heads back and laughed.

“It’s because you’re not rich, Andy,” Hannah said, pretending to pout. “June here only likes wealthy men. Isn’t that right, June?”
