Page 290 of The Perfect Holiday

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Reese had always been very picky about the men she dated and was hell-bent to have the perfect first time with the man whom she could spend her entire life. However, her work seldom gave her a chance to go out until when her friend pushes her to take a chance. Little did she know that heading to a childhood friend’s wedding might just get her to find her Mr. Right!

Blaine had it all - the money and the brain and was a typical romantic playboy but he sets his eyes on Reese during a wedding. However, Reese’s fears take over and he is left unsure if he will ever see her again.

Will Reese’s inability to commit until she finds the perfect guy, blind her from seeing what was right in her face.

Warning: Get ready to soak yourself into wetness with loads of insta love with HEA! So, grab your cozy socks and cuddle up with this Billionaire Romance Full Length Novel.

Chapter 1


It was Thursday, thank God, and the week was almost over. Ever since I started this tech business after college, it had been nothing but go, go, go. I knew what it took to make a business successful, and I always told myself that when I reached the billionaire club I would slow down, but there I was, slaving away at my desk after everyone else had gone home, just trying to push a little more work through. It was almost an obsession, really. My father showed me from a young age that to be successful, you needed to make sacrifices, so that was exactly what I did. The phone rang, interrupting my concentration, and I sighed, assuming it was a late client with more work.

“Blaine Butler, Butler Technologies,” I said, answering the phone.

“Hey asshole, what are you still doing there?”

I laughed. “Hey, Caleb.”

Caleb and I had met in college, and we both moved to Philadelphia afterward to chase our dreams. He was a big-time tax attorney and had just made partner earlier that year. He was my go-to, the guy I could talk to about anything, no matter what.

“You’re still coming to my sister’s wedding on Saturday, right?” he asked.

“Man, I have so much work to get done,” I replied. “I think I’m gonna have to skip it.”

“No,” he said sternly. “You promised. You can’t leave me alone with all the old people.”

“I was hoping to get through a big project this weekend,” I said. “To stay ahead of the curve.”

“Come on, man,” Caleb said. “The work will still be there on Monday. Hang out this weekend. Have a little fun in your life. Do it for me.”

I laughed. “Ugh, fine. But only because you guilt-tripped me. I hope you feel good about that.”

“Spectacular,” he said, laughing. “Don’t be late or I’ll kill you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, getting off the phone.

I looked at the clock and decided I was done for the day. I flipped everything off and headed out of the office, deciding that a drink was in order after working so hard. I went down to a bar not far from my office and walked inside, taking off my suit jacket and sitting down at the bar. I ordered a scotch on the rocks and watched the television above the bar, reading the subtitles to the sport’s review. The commentators were talking about a bunch of games I didn’t watch because of work. Sometimes, it felt like I missed out on a lot of things in life because I had my head buried in my computer screen.

I sighed and looked down at my drink. A woman sat down a few seats away from me, catching my eye. I watched her curvy hips and sultry lips and knew immediately she was there for one reason and one reason only, to find a man.

She leaned back and crossed her long, bare legs. Her short skirt inched up her smooth thighs. Her top was unbuttoned one too many, and I could see the black lace of her bra wrapping around her large tits. She looked over at me and smiled, a glimmer in her eye as she looked down my suit and stuck the cherry from her drink between her lips. This was going to be a cinch.

“Hey,” I said, standing and walking over to her. “Mind if I sit?”

“Not at all,” she said, still playing with the cherry. “I’m Missy.”

“Nice to meet you, Missy, I’m Blaine Butler,” I replied, flashing a smile.

“Blaine Butler,” she said with a strained look of thought going through her eyes. “Like Butler Technologies?”

“Yeah.” I chuckled, looking down at her phone. “I can see you like the Slicer cell phone. It was one of my favorites when it was made. I had four of them.”

“Wow.” She giggled, reaching forward and touching my leg. “That’s pretty impressive.”

“What do you do?”
