Page 28 of Ben (The Sherwood)

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“Really?” I was amazed at this news.

She nodded at me. “I am jealous of your child. My son is not so good. He’s up every two hours but he is breast fed and he’s a big eater with a little bit of colic.”

I didn’t want to think about my sister-in-law’s boobs, so I didn’t ask any other questions. “Thank you, Jen.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied.

We drank our tea and coffee then I headed home with my daughter and her supplies. Seth helped me move Asia’s dresser and bed into her new room. I needed to do something with it to make it more babyish, more girlie. Later, maybe, Mom, Danni or Jen would help with that. Then, I setup the monitor.

Seth headed off to work while I searched for the diaper bag. Asia was in her baby swing. Another gift from my mother. My girl was sound asleep.

I realized I must have left the bag at Disa’s apartment. I would have to call her tomorrow about picking it up. Tonight, Disa was most likely working at Ike’s with men, hitting on her. Touching her intimately. I had seen how they leered at her.

Stop, I told myself. Just stop. This thinking was getting me nowhere and would drive me crazy.

I started a load of laundry then headed to the kitchen to wash baby bottles. I was elbow deep in soapy bottles when I stopped and laughed at my predicament. A year ago, on a Friday night I would be heading out with Elijah and having dinner then he would sneak off to see Jennifer while I picked up a girl and went to her place.

I never took anyone home to my trailer. It wasn’t that most girls didn’t know where I lived. Sherwood was a small town. We all knew where each other’s homes were. I just didn’t want girls invading my space. It was easier to escape them if I went to their apartment or house.

Now, look at me. Washing bottles, changing diapers. Content. The most honest thing I could say was that I was happier than I had been in a very long time.

A knock on the door surprised me out of my reverie. I wasn’t expecting company tonight. I dried my hands on a towel and tossed it on the counter. Then I headed to the door. Disa Riley was standing on the front porch, my diaper bag in hand. She wasn’t dressed for Ike’s which surprised me. “Hey,” I said. “Don’t you have to work tonight?”

“No, your dad needed me on Sunday this weekend because Louisa couldn’t work on Sunday. She has a family thing, so he asked me to give up Friday, so I switched with her.”

“Ah, want to come in?” I asked. She came over here to return my diaper bag. The least, I could do was to invite her in.

“Sure,” she said but I could hear the reluctance in her voice.

“I’m just washing bottles,” I told her.

“Sounds like a fun, Friday night,” Disa teased me.

I laughed at her then I led Disa to the kitchen where I resumed what I was doing. “Have you eaten?” I asked glancing over my shoulder at her.

“Nope,” she replied. “I was actually going to pick something up and head home to watch a movie on my tablet.”

I knew deep in my gut it was a bad idea. I knew in my head that the words coming out of my mouth were wrong, but I said them anyway. “Stay. I’ll make us a frozen pizza. We can watch a movie together.” I had a seventy-five, inch flat screen that was amazing to watch movies and football on.

She had to think about it. I could see it on Disa’s

face when I glanced over my shoulder to see why she was hesitating. We had agreed to be friends and friends could have pizza together and watch a movie on a Friday night.

“All right,” she finally agreed.

“Good, let me just finish these bottles.”

She chuckled at me. “That is the last thing, I ever expected to hear coming from Ben Hatfield’s mouth,” Disa declared.

I smiled. “Honestly, I’m just as shocked as you, Disa but I love that little girl.”

She pushed her hair over her shoulder. The lush, silver curls glistened in the bright lighting of my kitchen. Then she leaned against the counter near where I was washing bottles. “I can tell, Ben.”

We talked while I washed and put the bottles in the drainer next to the sink. She told me about a few pieces she was working on. I wanted to see them when she was done.

Disa had changed her shirt before coming over. This one was soft and pink and touchable. I was having all kinds of trouble not reaching out and seeing if it was inviting as it appeared to be. She was still wearing the clingy shorts that were hanging low on her hips.

She scooped her hair together in a ponytail and pulled it over her shoulder. Her eyes like her curls stuck me dumb. I stopped talking and gazed at her. I watched as her long, black lashes touched her cheek as she lowered her eyes to avoid looking at me.
