Page 42 of Ben (The Sherwood)

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“Years ago, I really liked this woman and…” I chewed on my lower lip because now, I had Rachel’s full attention. Anything having to do with our personal lives and Mom went into Dr. Rachel, sex therapist mode. Shit, she was making me uncomfortable, right night.

“Spit, it out Ben,” she told me.

“Dad gave me the no go, lecture. I had been dating her for a few months. Six to be exact. Actually, almost seven.” I was frustrating Rachel. She rolled her eyes at me. “He gave me the look and the speech that said, you’re not too old for an ass whooping and I’m just the man to give it to you. He also informed me that I was just like him and he didn’t want her to get hurt.”

She laughed at my description of our conversation which I didn’t find humorous. It had cost me Disa because I was young, dumb and still afraid of my father. “How old were you?”

“Twenty-two,” I explained.

“Ben, you weren’t ready to date anyone seriously at twenty-two. He probably did save you and her both some heartache,” Mom declared.

I cleared my throat. Then I got up and paced the floor

. “Mom, I never got over her. I’ve spent the last six years trying to run away from my feelings for her by sleeping with one woman after another.”

“Ben,” Rachel said. Then she got up and walked to me stopping my pacing with a hand on my arm. “Why didn’t you talk to us? To me? I would have listened.” She realized that I was heartbroken over Disa. She just didn’t know who it was.

“I’m talking to you now. I had a chance to reconnect with her recently. Mom, I don’t want to lose this chance again. I invited her to brunch today.”

She was surprised by that news. Her mouth was slightly open. Her eyes were wide with shock. “It must be serious. You have never invited anyone to brunch before.”

I heard the doorbell. Then I heard Dad’s voice shouting, “I’ll get it.”


“What’s the problem?” Mom asked.

“That’s the girl,” I said.

“So.” She didn’t understand. She wouldn’t because she didn’t know who the girl was. I hadn’t gotten that far yet. Mom was becoming suspicious now. I could see it in her eyes. They narrowed on me like they did when I was ten and stole some candy from the corner drug store.

After she marched me back to the store, she made me return it to Mr. Phelps, the owner of the store. I also had to apologize. On the walk home, I got the speech, wait until your father gets home. That was on Saturday at three p.m. I had twelve hours to stew on what he would do to me. That was worse that the beating he gave me for stealing candy.

“Who is it? Why are you so concerned about Dad answering the door, Benjamin?” She crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the floor. “Who are you wanting to date and why does it matter what your dad and I think?”

“Mom, it’s D…” That was as far as I could get because Dad escorted Disa into the kitchen. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was down around her face. Her lips were painted pink and her cheeks were flushed from the cold air.

She wore a cream colored, heavy sweater that was big on her and jeans that fit her figure snuggly. She took my breath away just looking at her.

I could tell that she was nervous. “Hi Rachel,” she said. Her voice soft and slightly afraid of what had transpired before she got here. Not enough. I didn’t know how Mom was taking this news.

“Hi sweetheart. How are you?” Mom asked her then before Disa could respond with Asia cradled in one arm she grabbed my bicep in a tight grip. I was cringing because her tiny fingers were biting into the flesh of my upper arm. I had forgotten, how her grip and her little fingers could pinch the shit out of you when we were being bad.

She dragged me to the kitchen sink not that Disa couldn’t hear us if we were too loud. “Did you sleep with her too?” She snapped at me keeping her voice low.

“No, I did not. Mom, I really liked her.” Then I amended my statement. “Mom, I was in love with Disa, but I walked away because Dad told me to. He convinced me I was too young and would only hurt her.” I decided to go for broke. “Mom, I still love her.”

She frowned at me for several long seconds while I tried to uncurl her talons from my bicep, then she turned to Disa. “I’m so glad you came to brunch.” She said, her tone, sweet and breathy.

Mom was relieved. I rolled my eyes at the tiny, elven creature that was my mother then I rubbed my arm where she had dug her little fingers into me.

“Are you sure?” Disa asked sensing the tension in the room.

Mom glanced at me and her smile this time was genuine making me relax. “I am,” she declared. “I’m going to run upstairs and change. Simon, come with me, please.”

My dad was confused. He didn’t know why Disa was here for brunch. He had just come downstairs, so he didn’t understand why he had to go back upstairs with Mom. She handed Asia to me then she gripped my Dad’s arm the way that she had gripped mine.

“You’re hurting me, Rachel,” he complained but she didn’t let him go as she dragged him out of the room. I chuckled at him being dragged out of the room by my diminutive mother.
