Page 44 of Ben (The Sherwood)

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I was puzzled by this strange turn of events. It was like Disa came here all the time and no one was curious about her being with me at all. Dad said nothing about it. Didn’t he have anything to say? No questions. No warnings about dating his employee?

“Ben, are you all right? Did you hear me?”

“What Dad? Oh, yeah. I’m all right,” I responded, watching Mom and Disa like they were the best of friends confused me even more. Then Danni joined them.

“I’m taking Asia to the living room with Walker and India.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

Next to arrive was Elijah and Jenny with Jeremiah. Jenny would join the women in the kitchen. Elijah did what he always did. He was the only Hatfield male who had the nerve and the testosterone to come to the kitchen and say hello.

“Elijah how are you honey?” Mom presented her cheek for a kiss. My tallest brother in the family bent and pressed his lips to her smooth face then he started to walk away. “Hold up there. I need to say hello to my grandson.”

She cooed over Jeremiah for a moment then she let my brother leave the room. He joined the men in the other room while Jenny helped the women cook.

Disa came to me and stood between my legs. She laid her hand on my shoulder. Her pretty, blue eyes were gazing at me with a happiness that I hadn’t seen in a while. “You don’t have to stay here. Go, join the men in the other room. I’m fine with your Mom, Danni and Jenny.”

I nodded. Then I peeked around her because I sensed the nosy women in my family watching us. They turned quickly back to the counter and continued working on food preparation.

I drew Disa to me and kissed her then I rose from the chair and left her alone with my female family members feeling assured that she would be fine with them which she was.

Me, I was the man who hadn’t been sleeping until Friday and Saturday night. I went to the living room and sat on the parent’s reclining sofa. First big mistake. Recline a comfortable sofa when you are tired, and you will fall asleep. They let me sleep too.

I heard my daughter crying and I stretched. Then, I yawned. Sat myself up and looked around. The living room was empty. Voices, including my daughter’s cries were coming from the dining room. Then she stopped just as quickly as she started.

I got up and headed that way. The family had finished eating. They were all sitting around the table talking. “There’s sleeping beauty,” AJ teased me.

He should try to take care of an infant for a week. I rolled my eyes at him and sat next to Disa who was giving Asia a bottle. She gazed at me for a second then she looked at my daughter. “She’s been really good,” she informed me. I patted her shoulder and stifled another yawn.

“Are you hungry, Ben?” Mom asked.

“Starving,” I replied gazing down to the end of the table where she sat. I propped my arm on the back of Disa’s chair and rubbed my thumb absently over her shoulder. She smiled at me.

My parents had always been nice to Disa. I knew they liked her a lot. That’s why I was worried about whether they would be accepting of me dating her. Apparently, things were going well without me.

Disa was comfortable with my entire family. Justin got out of his seat and wandered to each of the babies. He was fascinated with the small children that had invaded his world. He patted Jeremiah’s head eliciting a warning from Matt. “We’ve talked about this Justin. Not so hard. He’s small.” Jenny just smiled at him.

“He breakable,” Justin informed her.

“For a little while, Justin. Soon he won’t be so small.”

“Okay,” my nephew said.

My niece, India he treated differently. I think Justin was afraid of Walker, so he didn’t get too close to her which bothered the big guy. He didn’t like that one bit because Walker and Matt were close.

Then Justin laid his hand against Asia’s cheek. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. He walked around Disa’s chair and wanted me to pick him up. So, I scooted back a little and lifted him into my lap.

“I like Asia a lot.”

“I’m glad,” I replied.

“She don’t have a mommy like me,” he declared.

Matt got up and left the room, I thought so no one would see his pain that statement caused. I didn’t know what to say to my nephew.

Disa did though. “Honey, you do have a mommy and so does Asia. They love you very much.”

AJ scoffed at that notion and she looked at him and scowled shaking her head no in his direction. He looked away from her.

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