Page 55 of Ben (The Sherwood)

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dad. Her voice breaking here and there as she told my dad what Elder Ron had told her about her parents. “Thanks, Simon. I know I’ve left you high and dry. I appreciate that you’re letting me off tonight. I’ll see you on Thursday like always.”

She disconnected the call and handed me back my phone. “Take me to my apartment please,” she said. “I’d like to get a few things, so I can stay with you, if you don’t mind.” Her crystal, blue eyes met mine and for the first time, I saw her fear. I wasn’t sure if it was for herself or for Merci. “I don’t want to be alone,” Disa added.

That was the best news I had heard all day. We would have passed her apartment anyway. I pulled into the parking lot and looked over my shoulder at my daughter as did Disa. “She’s sleeping,” she declared. “I’ll just be a minute.”

I leaned over the seat and Disa met me halfway. I planted a kiss on her lips and I nodded when we pulled apart. “I’ll be right here.”

She hopped out of my truck and headed towards the door. My thumb thumped against the steering wheel while I looked around the apartment buildings. They were surrounded by woods. Four plain, red-brick buildings. Two floors in each building held four apartments each. The community was small and tight. They watched out for each other and kept the riff raff out which is how the Applegate’s liked it.

My phone rang, and I glanced down at the number. Mom. I sighed. Dad must have called her. I kept watch on the front door expecting Disa at any moment. “Mom,” I said into the phone.

“Your dad called me and told me about you and Disa running into Ron Parson at the park,” she said.

“We did.”

“He’s following Disa?”

“Are you asking me?”

“Yes,” she said.

“I think so,” I said, looking around for anyone suspicious. I had been doing that since the man had confronted us at the park.

“Watch him, Ben. He’s not a nice man. There are strange things that go on at that compound, but Hawk’s never been able to prove it.”

“Like Disa’s mother dying because she couldn’t live without her dad? Convenient because he wanted Disa’s younger sister,” I declared.

“She looks a lot like Disa,” Mom informed me. I couldn’t remember Merci. She was three years younger than Disa. I wouldn’t have been in the same school as her ever.

“I don’t remember her.”

“You wouldn’t but I’ve seen them together. If he is with her now…”

“Married to her,” I corrected her.

“I feel sorry for the girl,” Rachel replied.

Me too. What could I do without risking Disa? “Did Dad get someone to cover for Disa?” I asked changing the subject on her.

She laughed. “Yes, as a matter of fact he did.”

“What’s so funny?”

“I’m going in,” my mother replied.

That was funny. I don’t think Rachel had waited tables at Ike’s since before Matt was born. This should be interesting. “I hope you don’t kill each other before the night is over.”

She chuckled. “Me too, Benjamin. I kind of like having him home again.”

“Keep that thought when you want to chuck a glass at him tonight,” I told her.

“Funny,” she replied. Her tone was sarcastic which wasn’t unusual for Rachel. She is where we got it from.

I was distracted watching Disa at her balcony putting a steel rod in the sliding glass door. She waved to me; I returned her wave. I had nearly hung up on Rachel. Then I focused on what my mother was saying to me. “Take care of her Benjamin.”

“I will.”

“I have to go Ben. I’m at the pub.”
