Page 77 of Ben (The Sherwood)

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“This is my fault,” she declared. Her hand trembled as it covered her mouth. She was trying not to cry.

“No, it is not,” my mother declared.

Her hands were on her hips. Her eyes were shooting little spitballs of fire, at least that is what we used to say when she was this mad. “It is Ron Parson’s fault, Disa Riley. You remember that.”

“But he wouldn’t have gone after Matt if not for me,” she said.

Rachel shook her head. “You asked that my boys check on Merci. You didn’t ask them to bring her out of the compound. AJ said she was desperate.” Mom’s voice took on a different tone. She was filled with compassion for Disa’s younger sister. “Don’t you see, Disa? He couldn’t leave her behind or Lilah either.”

“But what happens if someone gets hurt?” Disa asked.

“It will be fine,” she promised me. “Party is over honey,” she was looking at me. I nodded. “Your dad and I would like to head to Matt’s.”

“I would too,” Disa declared.

Mom nodded at her.

“Danni and I will need a ride to my house,” Jenny said. “I can get her home from there. We’ll get the babies after that. Want me to get Asia?” She asked me.

“That would be great,” I replied.

“You’re all staying here,” Dad informed them. “But Ben, Disa, me and Rachel. You’ll be safer here with the deputy outside protecting you.”

“I agree.” Bonny was a smart woman. She had been married to Hawk for the entire time that he had been in law enforcement. If she said they should stay at Ike’s, then they should probably stay.

“I’ll call you from Matt’s,” Dad told Jenny. “We’ll get back here as soon as possible.”

She didn’t like it, but she stayed because Dad wanted her to. I helped Disa get into my truck and I closed the door. Then I walked around to the other side and got in.

“I’m sorry your plans for the night were ruined. You made it such a special night Ben.”

I snorted at her. She didn’t have a clue how special it was going to be.

Chapter 18

We were quiet, driving through town. The streets were empty. It was late enough that most folks were in bed already even though it was a Saturday night.

I rubbed my forehead with a tiredness that was weighing me down. Then I followed the road out of town, the truck hugged the berm well. I barely had to handle her. Good thing, I was too distracted.

Glancing at Disa, I could see that she was distracted too. She was staring into the woods on her side of the road. Her arm was propped against the window and she rested her forehead in

the palm of her hand.

I didn’t want this to affect us but, somehow, I knew it would. Until Ron Parson was arrested and off the street, Disa would be looking over her shoulder for him.

“Are you okay, Ben?”

Yeah, I was. I patted my coat pocket and stared at the road ahead. Then I had to turn on the blinker, Matt’s drive was ahead of me. I slowed the truck to make the turn. I could see the smoke billowing from Matt’s barn in the flashing lights from all the police cars and firetrucks that lined the driveway.

I glanced at Disa. She had perked up and was staring at the mess left behind from Ron Parson. We didn’t know it was him but who else would attack one of us right now?

We parked as close as we could. I slipped off my tie and tossed it into the back seat. I looked across the seat at Disa. She was gripping the edge of the doorframe looking at the barn that had nearly burned to the ground.

Then we walked to the front of the truck where we met. I took her hand in mine and walked up the gravel drive towards the house. The stones beneath our feet were making it hard for her in high heels. I gripped her elbow, releasing her hand to keep her from falling. Her heels were throwing her off in the heavy graveled drive.

Mom and Dad were already in front of us. Mom had taken her shoes off. Maybe that’s what Disa should have done.

We stopped by Mom and Dad who were speaking to Hawk. Matt came out of the house with Mrs. Hanks. She was shaken up, I could tell from here. Disa’s eyes followed him from the porch to the deputy’s car where he tucked her into the back seat. Then he turned, his eyes went straight to the barn. Then towards us.
