Page 83 of Ben (The Sherwood)

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I knew I was close. Her legs spread wider for me. I was feeling that tightness that let me know I was close. The explosion was coiling inside me. The need to release was getting closer and closer. Her warmth was making it harder and harder not to let go.

I thrust faster. She wasn’t telling me to pull out. I new I should. I felt the electric rush go down my spine. I knew I was there, and I pulled out and came all over Disa’s belly. I lowered my chin to my chest.

I breathed heavily. My chest heaved I was breathing so hard. Disa touched my belly. I gazed up at her.

“Want me to get on birth control?” She asked, smiling at me with such tenderness I almost cried.

“That might be a good idea,” I told her. “I like being in you bare too much. I’m going to slip and we’re going to have a baby,” I told her.

“Someday?” She asked.

“Someday,” I promised her.

I meant it. I wanted to see her big with my baby. I wanted to share that experience with her. Until then, I wanted to share Asia with her. I wanted her to help me raise my daughter. I leaned over her and kissed her.

“I love you,” I said.

She ran her hands up my back and pulled me to her. “I love you too,” she responded before she nipped my shoulder.

I rolled to my back and

took Disa with me. She laid her head on my chest. “When do you want to get married?” I asked her.

“Next weekend too soon?” She asked.

I thought she was kidding but when I raised my head I realized that she wasn’t. “I can wear the dress I wore tonight, and you can wear the suit you wore. I like you in that charcoal gray.”

I wanted Disa to have a traditional wedding dress with a white gown and a veil. Not that she didn’t look beautiful in the dress she wore tonight. I wanted all the trimmings and planning that every new bride had for her wedding.

This would be Disa’s only wedding. Did I need to tell her that I wanted it to be the most special day for her.

“One wedding. Make sure it is what you want,” I decided to say. “I won’t ever let you go.”

She chuckled. Then she kissed her way along my jaw. Her breath was warm along the skin of my neck. She tickled my ear with her tongue. I squeezed her tight. “Nothing to worry about Ben,” she told me. “I’ll fight any woman who looks at you with too much interest ever again.” Then she nibbled on my ear. “Same goes for you mister.” She kissed my neck making me shiver.

She didn’t need to tell me. I rolled her to her back and hovered over her. Disa’s hair was a mess. I was gazing at her, wanting Disa to know that I would never stray. Her eyes never left my face.

“You don’t have to question my loyalty,” I told her.

She cupped my face between her palms. “I’m just warning you Benjamin. I lost you once. I won’t lose you again. You are mine now and I am yours. I won’t give in or give up again. We aren’t your parents. This is forever. That’s just me. I’m a fighter.” She kissed me. “Now that I know how you feel. If I had known how you felt before…” She let that thought trail off. Then she continued with another. “Ben, I’ll fight for us next time no matter how hard it is. Those vows mean something to me when we take them.”

I took her mouth roughly. I couldn’t tell her with words, so I showed her with my body. I covered her with my own and slid inside her again. Hardened by her fierce words of forever.

I placed my arms by her head to alleviate some of my weight from her, but I wanted to be close as close as two bodies could be. Nose to nose, we kissed while I thrust into Disa.

Heart to heart.

We loved and breathed as one.

She had me from the first kiss six years ago. It was only ever Disa Riley that had my heart. I don’t know what would have happened to me if she hadn’t given me a second chance. Maybe, I would have been a single father my entire life. I might have been content with just Asia but what an empty life it would have been without Disa in it.

I buried my face in her hair and inhaled her scent. I wanted to stop when I felt my orgasm coming over me, but I didn’t. Just this once, I wanted to come inside her. Take the chance. Forget about consequences of having two children so close together. I think my biggest regret was not asking her.

I groaned as the fire traveled through me. The need to come overwhelming me. I came so quickly. I wasn’t sure if she knew. Her fingers were clutching at my back, digging in like always.

Then I knew, she knew. She gasped. “You came inside me.”

“I’m sorry.”
