Page 87 of Promise Me

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He smiled. “That’s something Pop. When Declan’s better we’ll get a nice picture of the four of you and get it framed.”

“I’d like that. Skylar suggested it.”

Noah nodded. “She would.”

I wasn’t sure what that meant until Gramps left. He kissed Skylar on the cheek. He was anxious to see Dad. Everyone came down at some point or other during the day and early evening to see Luke and Skylar. She was tired but she never complained. She was always polite and smiled. She was always happy to see whoever stopped by even though she was uncomfortable herself.

“Are you ever unhappy?” I asked her.

She tried to nurse Luke. I didn’t know how that was going to work. The nurses were encouraging to her. She was awkward. Aine promised to help her if she needed help getting comfortable with nursing. I didn’t push her. What the hell did I know? I was a twenty-eight-year-old man. If she couldn’t nurse Luke it was no big deal to me. It meant more to her.

She talked to Maddie and Nickolas on the phone reassuring them she was fine. That is when I realized what Noah’s comment meant. She was selfless. She loved those kids as much as I did. She was always thinking of others before herself. Looking for ways of making things special when she could for Maddie and Nick even after having surgery. I glanced over catching her staring at me.


“What are we going to do when she comes back?” She whispered. I knew then that she would have trouble letting go of the kids.

I laughed. “Dominick and I were talking about that very thing before Thanksgiving dinner. He asked what we were going to do and I asked with which one?” She smiled but there were tears in her eyes.

“Sky, if Delilah comes back we have to give her children back but I’m sure she’ll let us borrow them for long weekends and sleepovers.”

She nodded. “The important thing is that they are happy right now,” I said.

“What if they aren’t if she returns?” She asked.

“Then we cross that bridge when we come to it,” I told her. “From what her mom said to Gramps …I don’t foresee Delilah coming home for at least six months.”

Skylar looked at me with a sheepish grin. “I hope not.”

I shook my head at her. Then I leaned forward and caressed her head; running my fingers through her hair. “I love you Skylar. Promise me,” I said to her.

She looked puzzled. “Promise you what Ronan?”

“Promise me, you will grow old with me,” I replied.

She smiled at me. “That’s easy Ronan Moore. I promise to grow old with you.”


There is nothing like a Christmas Day at the farm with snow on the ground, the sunlight twinkling on the fresh powder like diamonds. We all piled into my truck. The kids were all jammed into the back. All four of them. Delilah was still in rehab, although she called that morning to wish them a Merry Christmas. I spoke to her for sever

al minutes after they each talked to her.

Dominick climbed out first. He helped Skylar out who was recovered pretty well four weeks after her C-Section. Nickolas released the latch on the pumpkin seat and handed it off to Dominick. I helped Miss Maddie out the back on my side. She took my hand and smiled up at me. Her pale, blue eyes reminding me of pictures of my grandmother that I never knew. A family trait, I guessed.

Their mother asked if we were doing okay with the kids. She was in no hurry to come home. She thought she should take care of herself for a change. Get healthy. Maybe the kids could come to see her in Florida this summer, she suggested? See their grandparents? They hadn’t seen them in a very long time. Delilah and her mother were working on repairing their relationship as well. Her mother lived in a luxurious apartment. Delilah thought she might like the Florida sun and the amenities. Then she could send them back to us.

I told her we needed to talk about some sort of guardianship so that if something happened Skylar and I could take them to the hospital or sign their forms at school. She agreed without question. I had the best Christmas present for these three kids…I hoped. I knew Skylar was going to be happy about it.

Dad was sitting in the recliner. He looked healthier than he had when he first came home from the hospital. Mom was hovering which he hated. “First things first,” Skylar said. “A picture.”

Dad was pleased even if he didn’t say anything. Sky took a million pictures of him with just Luke. Him and Mom with Luke then one of the four generations of Moore men just like she suggested at the hospital. I wanted one of those pictures myself.

Before dinner, I told Dad what Delilah said about her kids. She was ready to leave them with me and Skylar for an indefinite period. He patted me on the shoulder and said. “You are a great dad Ronan. Those kids are lucky to have you.”

“I learned from you,” I told him.

“I’ve made lots of mistakes Ronan. I need to own up to that just like you have with your drug overdose. I’m really proud of you.”
