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Dana turned his head upwards, catching Ford’s attention from his brother. Ford cupped his cheek, leaning down to quickly peck his lips. “You tired, baby?”

“Yes,” Dana whispered against his jaw.

“Alright.” Ford kissed Dana’s temple then eased away from him. He stood up, his deep voice cutting off the chatter. “Thank you, good people, for coming over, but I think it’s time for Dana to turn in.”

“You just made me sound like I’m ten years old and you’re my daddy.” Dana frowned at Ford.

“I am your daddy,” Ford growled right back at him.

The guys roared with laughter, especially when they saw how red Dana got. Everyone began to file out, giving Dana an easy fist-bump on their way by him. Cayson told him he’d be back to check on him tomorrow evening and followed Quick out the door. Ford talked quietly with his brother on the porch for a few minutes, Dana assumed about the crazy scene that had happened with Sway. Dana couldn’t wait to hear what the hell that was all about. He’d call Sway, but a phone call would probably bring back his headache.

Dana rested on the couch until Ford finished cleaning up the few dishes that lingered on the table, locked up his house, and turned out all the lights.

“Bedtime, handsome.” Ford’s deep voice in the darkness made him shiver.

Ford helped him stand up. When he was sure Dana was steady, he let him go to walk on his own. Of course, he was less than an inch away from him. Dana pressed against Ford’s side.

Ford rumbled against his mouth. “You’re too damn much, you know that.”

Dana ground his hard cock against Ford’s thigh again. “Yeah, I know,” Dana moaned, burrowing into Ford’s throat. Damn, he smelled so good. Bold. He couldn’t get enough. Even feeling like he did, his body still responded relentlessly to the impressive man. He took his right hand and ran it up Ford’s chest until he got to his throat. He stroked him gently there before continuing to his beard where he dug his fingers in. Dana felt his cock leaking in the thin pants he wore. His voice quivered, “I want you, Ford.”

An inferno of desire blazed in Ford’s onyx eyes. Yet, with the tight control of a SEAL, Ford took Dana’s hand away from his face and tucked it against his chest. He carefully turned them around and began to walk them towards the bedroom. Dana could feel Ford’s thick erection bumping into him as they moved in unison. He wanted to at least jerk Ford off. His right hand was perfectly fine. But when they were inside the bedroom Ford kept his big hands in neutral zones on Dana’s body as he tucked him into bed. He leaned down and kissed Dana chastely.

“Babe,” Dana begged.

Ford sat on the edge of the bed.

“When you’re healed, baby. I’m taking you away, just like I promised. Taking you someplace warm and bright. Where there are no police sirens, just peace.” Ford brushed Dana’s hair back and ran his thumb down his face to his cheek. “And when we get there, I’m going to make love to your body on every surface we come to. Inside and outside. Under the stars. Beneath a waterfall. On a beach. In a hammock on our hotel balcony. Everywhere. I’m going to love on you forever, Dana.”

With his casted hand lying on his stomach, he took his right and clasped Ford’s wrist. He held him while Ford continued to touch him. “That sounds perfect. Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” Ford smiled a smile that was only for Dana.

“I already know, so you might as well tell me.” Dana blinked harmlessly.

Ford shook his head, cupping Dana’s cheek with his hand. “Such a damn brat.”

Dana turned slightly and kissed Ford’s palm, letting his eyes fall closed, Ford’s ruggedly beautiful face fading from view. He was fighting sleep so hard. Doc had given him more pain medicine so his body was finally tolerably numb and his wrist no longer throbbed, but drowsiness was pulling him under fast. He didn’t want to sleep. He wanted more of Ford. Wanted to stare at his face and listen to his voice all night. Wanted to feel his hands on him. Dana sighed and let Ford’s touch do what it did. He could no longer fight it, he was exhausted, but he felt good. He felt whole on the inside. He dozed into a deep, peaceful slumber, reassured by the words Ford whispered in his ear – comforted that he’d been promised a lifetime with Bradford King.

The End
