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Fucking Ed was well within Alec’s comfort zone, and given how many boundaries Alec had already pushed tonight, maybe that was for the best. “Okay,” he said. “I can do that.”

Ed stroked him, his hand firm and tight as he asked. “How do you want me?”

Alec grabbed Ed’s hips and walked him back towards the bed. “Like this.” He pushed him down and Ed scooted back, spreading his thighs so Alec could crawl between them. “Perfect.”

Now he’d finally got Ed where he wanted him, Alec was in no rush, and Ed seemed to pick up on the change of pace. They kissed lazily, letting their hands roam. Alec mapped out the smoothness of Ed’s skin with his palms, and Ed combed his fingers through the rough hair on Alec’s chest.

“It feels so good against my nipples,” Ed muttered between kisses.

Alec moved lower to tease Ed’s nipples with his lips and tongue, loving the way they hardened for him and the way Ed gasped and slid his fingers into Alec’s hair as he did it. He worked his way down Ed’s torso, over the warm skin of his stomach, down to the cradle of his hips where the skin stretched tight over his hipbones as Ed arched up, spreading his legs wider. Alec looked up at him as he lowered his mouth to Ed’s cock and licked, tasting him, smelling his scent, watching the flush on his cheeks as he stared down at Alec.

“Fuck,” Ed gasped as Alec finally sucked him, taking him deep for a moment before bobbing back up with a swirl of his tongue. Alec was torn, wanting to keep his mouth on Ed for longer, but suspecting Ed wouldn’t last long if he did. He felt like a kid in a playground. He wanted to do all the things at once—fuck him, suck him, eat him out. He moaned around Ed’s cock, overwhelmed by the strength of his desire.

Ed made the decision for him. Grabbing the lube and condoms and passing them down to Alec, he said, “Please. Fuck me. I want to come with you inside me.” He hooked his hands under his knees and pulled them back.

Alec remembered their first night together, when Ed had lain like this, opening himself up for Alec’s cock. Ed had been a stranger then. Now he was so much more.

Alec rolled the condom on first and then squeezed some lube into his palm. He slicked his cock and used his fingers on Ed.

At the first gentle touch on his hole, Ed moaned, pushing against him. The tips of Alec’s fingers slipped inside, but Ed shook his head. “Your cock,” he said. “Just use your cock.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, Alec. Please.”

As Alec lined himself up, Ed lay back, watching him with hooded eyes. His cheeks were flushed and his lips pink and shiny from their kisses. With his dirty-blond hair tumbling over one eye, he looked like a debauched angel. When Alec pushed inside in one slow, steady thrust of his hips, Ed moaned, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Okay?” Alec rolled his hips carefully, withdrawing just a little. God, Ed felt amazing. He was tight and hot, and Alec wanted to fuck him into the middle of next week.

“Yes.” But there was tension in Ed’s voice, and Alec knew he wasn’t comfortable yet. He wasn’t asking Alec to stop, so Alec kept moving gently, shifting his weight slightly and tilting Ed’s legs to see if he could find a better angle.

“Oh yes. Fuck.” Ed’s eyes flew open. He grabbed Alec’s hips and pulled. “Like that, but harder.”

“Yeah?” Alec grinned, breathless. He could do harder.

Propping himself up on his forearms, he slammed into Ed, fucking him like he’d been dreaming about ever since their first time. This time it was even better, because it meant something. Alec didn’t know what, exactly, and maybe it only meant something that would end in heartache, but at this moment, with Ed under him, moaning and urging him on, Alec didn’t care about anything outside this room. He stared into Ed’s eyes and their gazes locked. There was so much emotion there—heat and passion, along with something softer that was frightening in its intensity. Alec could see it in Ed’s face as much as he could feel it in his own heart. He wondered whether it was written all over his features too, whether Ed could see what Alec saw reflected back at him in a feedback loop of need and want and hopeless longing.

“God, Alec,” Ed slid a hand into his hair and tugged Alec down into a messy kiss, and it was almost a relief that Alec could no longer see his face because it was too much.

Everything slowed down again. Desperate urgency became a slow, languid build of pleasure. With Ed’s tongue in his mouth and Ed’s cock hard between their stomachs, Alec spiralled slowly towards orgasm. He wanted to make Ed come, but he couldn’t focus. Ed was like a drug, enhancing his senses and stealing his reason. He was dimly aware of Ed slipping a hand between them, and he felt the bump of Ed’s knuckles as he jerked himself off. Wet heat spilled between them, and the sensation of Ed’s walls pulsing around him dragged Alec over. He groaned, pulling away from the kiss and burying his face into Ed’s shoulder as he came and came, shaking with the force of it.
