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“They’re all looking at us.” Whispering, she tucks herself to my side.

A group of tuxedo-clad men spread to my right. Supreme court judges, Queen’s Counsel members… Benedict stands in their midst, summoning me with a stoic nod.

Walking over to them, I take my arm back so I can hold Arabella to me.

“It’s showtime, morena.”

She stands taller, her arm tightening around my waist.

“Bring it.”

The auction begins in the middle of the room, hosting each of the paintings the artists Leo’s mother and Cassie sought out to collaborate with the children at each of the schools they’re trying to help.

“We’re so proud to be a part of something so special and life-changing for these children.” Rosalind continues with her speech, motioning to all the smiling faces being projected onto the walls between the paintings. “Thank you to everyone that has donated time and money towards our small project. It means so much to all the team that’s worked tirelessly. The artists that took time from their schedules to get involved. But most of all each of the beautiful faces smiling down on us all.”

It’s obvious where Leo gets his big heart from. Watching him fawn over Cassie with so much pride, I can’t imagine her with anyone else.

“Right, speech is over, time to bid on the pieces. All you have to do is drop your bid slips in the box below the painting or paintings you want to purchase. At the end of the night, we’ll go through and announce the winners. Happy bidding!” she sings. “And remember, don’t be stingy…it’s Christmas!”

With that, one of the Christmas Aid singles from the nineties fills the room as the guests dissipate to their chosen pieces.

“I like that one.” Arabella points to a tribal-like thatch painting…ironically. It’s all fiery shades of red, orange, and yellow with abstract black markings. It’s kind of hypnotising. I could stand and stare at it forever with just my thoughts. “Where would you put it?”

“Well, the hallway is so long, and with the original black-and-white tiles, I think it would look welcoming and be warming.”

“Would you tire of it?”

“No, it’s drawing. I love that. It’s exactly what a home should do…you know, pull you back.”

Those words make me smile. It’s what Arabella has always done to me. Pulled me to her, whether she intended it or not.

“It’s yours.” Nudging her in the direction of the painting, I kiss the top of her head. “You could put it in the bedroom. I find it soothing.”

“Christopher,” she laughs. “Only you could find the colours of fire relaxing.”

She carries on laughing as I grab a bidding slip and put down five healthy numbers. It’s for charity, and the fact that Arabella’s still ogling it…it’s worth it.

Slipping the slip into the silent bid box, I start to navigate towards the corner Leo and Cassie are tucked into. Her white dress is impossible to miss in a sea of black.

“I was thinking maybe we could do a cottage in the middle of nowhere,” Arabella says out of the blue.

“You want to get another house already?”

“No. No, I meant for Christmas. You and me and plenty of snow and red phone boxes we can hide in…”

“You miss phone boxes, huh?”

“I miss you kissing me in them and wooing me.” She bites her lip, going all starry-eyed.

“Amongst other things.”

“Sexy things.”

“Hot as fuck things.”

Even in the cool dim light, I can see the colour flush the apples of her cheeks. She licks her lips again. “Don’t you miss it?”

“Fucking you in a phone box?” I laugh, because she’s got that forlorn look on her face that says she wants to run wild and free.
